"What is this foul creature? It looks harmless, but underneath it could be deadly! That fur is nothing but a mask to hide it's true form!" he shouted pointing at it. I picked up the cat in order for him to calm his nerves.

"Have you never seen a cat? It's harmless see," I assured tilting it towards him. He wasn't up for it.

"Mila that is one strange creature..." he gawked as he picked it up. How did he know my name?

"How do you know my name?"

"The envelopes on the table gave it away. It's an exquisite name I must say," he addressed. His main focus was still on the cat as he stroked it's fur," I am Ignacio. It is an honor to meet you."

Ignacio took his clothes in hand and walked towards the long hall. He twisted and turned in several directions because he didn't know where to go.

"The room straight down the hall you can change in."

Odd feeling to have a complete stranger in the house, because you never know if he could try and murder you. I pushed that thought to the back of my head and made some tea for the both of us. Maybe it'd warm him up from being in the rain.

It was nice to finally have someone else around. I'm usually by myself and only have one friend here, but she's always busy with her own life. All my other friends I made before in highschool weren't true and only temporary. I let them control me and drive into doing things that scared me, but at the same time left me wanting more. Don't get me started on Jeremy-

"For you have been staring at the floor intensely are you ok?" Ignacio interrupted popping of no where. When did he get in here?

"I'm fine. Just swimming in my thoughts," I rushed,"would you like some tea?"

He twisted his face into a frown at the word tea," Tea? I've never had it, but it'd be good to try it out."

I nodded and poured in a cup and sat at the table and motioned him to sit across from me. My eyes followed his every move. Him lifting the cup with his hand towards his pursed pink lips. Eyes closing and taking in the taste.

"I like it," he approved with a smile. An awkward silence overtook the room, "Mila are you uncomfortable with my presence?"

"Oh no it's just..I don't know what to say to you," I replied. It was that obvious? I rarely have anyone over, like I said I only have one friend. The only company I'm accustomed to is my cat Pruella.

"Well I will give you silence if you wish. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable," he said with a small smile. Generally nice of him, but I didn't like it at all. he was just going along with what he thought made me feel comfortable.

"I actually want to talk to you. So Ignacio, where are you from?"

"Not around here," he stated very slow. He took another sip of his tea and just stared at me.

"But be specific like where from Ignacio," I giggled at his response. Ignacio looked at his tea and mumbled to himself. His head popped up and he looked at me with a wide smile.

"Brooklyn, I'm from Brooklyn!" he cheered. Okay...

The rain outside started to die down a bit, but I personally liked it a little louder. My eyelids fell a couple of times and that then and there I knew I needed to go to sleep. Checking the time on the stove I saw it was 2:00 a.m.

"Ignacio I'm getting tired," I told him as I picked up my cup and brought it to the sink, " you can sleep in my bed. I'll sleep on the couch. "I lived in a small apartment that sadly only had one bedroom. Ignacio followed behind me towards my bedroom and taking in it's look. It was really messy due to my clothes and books on the floor.

"Mila where are you going to sleep?" he questioned with his voice full of concern. I slowly turned giving him a shy smile and telling him I was sleeping on the couch. Ignacio shook his head in disagreement," I don't want you you to suffer by sleeping on the couch."

I almost gave in to his pouty lips and squinting eyes.

"No it's fine. You're a guest and I'll be fine on the couch it's no big deal."

I walked away towards the family room,but came to a hault when Ignacio whispered my name.

"Sweet dreams gracious Mila," he spoke. I gave him a small smile at the word 'gracious' and said goodnight also.


Shifting in my sleep, I heard faint talking. I tried my best to ignore it, but it was distracting me because the words went by so quickly.

"Mila. I am so sorry to disturb your slumber, but I would love some tea at the moment. Afterwards, I will be out of your hair," he pleaded. My groans filled the room as I stretched my muscles out and agusting my eyes to the lights.

Ignacio being the first thing to see waking up was something I oddly enjoyed. His ruffled hair in several directions and eyes still full drowsiness.

"Do you know where you're going to be staying Ignacio? I don't want you just wandering the streets having no idea wh-"

"I am sure I know Mila. Just a cup of that hot beverage and I will be on my way to my um..residence?" Ignacio chattered. His words were quick and went up an octave, but I wasn't going to argue. Someone, I, had to get to work soon.

I work as an art museum preparator and museum educator. It has it perks being able to see all the art and handle it and also educating people on tours.

Ignacio was in the middle of sipping his tea while I was getting dressed. Adjusting my tight bun and all black attire I gave a side smile. Not my most flattering look but it'll have to do.

"You look rather...I don't know. You look more uptight and professional compared to how looked last night and this morning. Hair actually not covering your features, and I must say you don't look comfortable," Ignacio commented as he walked in my room. Piping cup of tea in hand.

"Ignacio, you do have a place to go right? I'm gonna sound like a strict parent, but I won't allow you to leave if you don't have a place to go," I reminded. He just nodded his head rapidly.Of course there was this voice in my head telling me that I should just let him stay here with me. He doesn't seem like he knows his way around here at all and being all alone in a big city isn't at all fun.
"Alright I guess I'll take you home now."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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