Chapter 2

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Have you ever had that one person in your life that makes everything just a little bit better, that sends fireworks through you when you see them. That makes you want to smile all the time. That makes you want to spend the rest of eternity with them.


Jeon Jungkook.

He's this one person that means the world to me. I would do anything for him.

But I know that nothing could ever happen. We are best friends, but we're just friends. And probably will stay like that for the rest of my life.

I remember the first time we met. I walked in on him shirtless. He was the sweetest little bundle of joy I have ever met.

I saw him blush furiously, and I let out a little chuckle. He was so cute. But I never let how I really felt known because it's not right.

We went everywhere and did everything with each other. And he just meant so much to me. At that moment I realized I was in love with my best friend.

*current time*

I snapped out of my day dreaming and went back to reality. I could hear someone calling me in the distance and realized it was my teacher.

"Jimin, are you okay?" My teacher said.

"Huh, I mean ye-yes I'm okay." I smile.

I look back out the window and look at the beautiful green grass and the cherry blossom tree right across the school. The bell rang for dismissal and I dashed out of class.

I walked to the cherry blossom tree and picked off a flower and stared at it. The fluorescent pink and streaks of red here and there. I held it up to my nose and smelled the sweet cherry scent.

I let my red dyed hair fall on my eyes and I rest my head on the bark of the tree. And let sleep take me.

*some time passes*

I jerked awake looked at my phone. It was 9:55 PM and I ran inside. I sprinted up the stairs and put the key into the keyhole of our dorm.

I walked in and all the lights were off. But only one light was on and it was coming from my room.

I walk in ever so slowly, and I see jungkook on my bed in my oversized sweater that fit perfectly around his brolic upperbody. He has the same one but he for some reason was wearing mine.

I could hear him wimpering. He looked up at me and ran towards me and hugged me so tightly. I was shocked. I just stood there but I hugged him in return. I looked at him and I saw his puffy eyes that were bloodshot.

"I'm so sorry, I fell asleep at the cherry blossom tree" I say.

"It's fine. I just needed to know you were safe." He said upset.

He means so much to me but why was he crying. He cared for me that much?

"Can you sleep in my room for the night?" He asks.

"Of course" I say.

I walk to his room and change into my comfortable clothes. And then I hold him. He falls asleep immediately. I never wanted to let go.

"I love you" I whisper.

To Infinity And Beyond // j.j.k x p.j.mWhere stories live. Discover now