Chapter 2

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The day i came back from school and found the letter was the worst day of my life. I got home a little earlier than my parents that day and hope was meant to be at home when i got back but the house was empty! As i peered inside the door i saw three letters on the floor one for my mum, one for my dad and one for me! I was confused because i never got letters and at the time, i didn't think to link hopes disappearance and the letter together. I picked up the letter and took it in to the front room and opened it, it said
"Dear holly kid binter
I am writing to inform you that your younger sister hope ashleigh-rose binter has been taken to my secret base and shall not be returned until further notice. The reason she has gone will be told to you soon, however i will tell you that you shall NOT come looking for her otherwise she will not be returned. We know you have a friend called John Norbert Hopiert, he will be visited by us but you must not tell him or you could be in serious trouble.
Yours sincerely
As i read that letter my heart dropped and i felt sick inside. I had heard of the lokaoeb before. My parents had told me to tidy my bedroom or the lokaoeb would come and get me but something about that letter told me they wouldnt be using that bribe again. I felt so guilty but i didn't know why and my head was spinning. My legs began to wobble and i sunk to the ground. I began to cry and cry and cry until i had no water left that could come out so instead i fainted....

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