21. Azkaban Island

Start from the beginning

Some would wail as we passed, clutching the bars and scream of their innocence, at one point trying to grab my robes to plead for my help. But even worse were the ones who just sat in their cells with blank expressions, all hope and light lost from their eyes.

But the one constant were the screams in every cell block from at least half the prisoners, turning the place into a constant screeching nightmare. How could Gennie and Sirius both survive in this place?

A thought danced into my head: imagine if Hollie ended up here. Feeling sick tried to scrub the thought from my mind. Hollie might have now killed three people, but she didn't deserve to be here. Maybe the death eaters would protect her from here, as sick as it sounded.

"Right, maximum security is right through here, she's the twelfth cell on the left," the guard said impatiently, fiddling with the keys on the multi-locked door. Hope surged through me-we were almost there.

A beam of light came from the corner of my eye, and I almost jumped as a patronus soared over to the guard in the shape of a snake. The guard fell silent, and over the silence, a single scream was heard.

"-break out, there's a break out in progress," the patronus spoke, and the screams behind the maximum security door grew louder. "One of the rebels-put the prison in lockdown, now!"

"But-Draco Malfoy is here to collect a prisoner." The guard spoke back to the patronus and Draco and I exchanged a worried glance. We couldn't be turned away now.

"Draco Malfoy?" the patronus responded. "What are you on about, Max? That kid is wanted-he escaped Hogwarts today with the Potter girl."

The patronus died away, and the three of us exchanged a glance, to see who would make the first move. In slow motion, the guard reached for his wand, but I got to mine first.

"Stupefy!" the guard went down like a fly, crumpling against the brick wall. As sirens wailed around us, hysteria took over and I knelt by the guard, grappling for keys that I couldn't find. What would we do now? "I can't find them, Draco, I can't find them!"

"DUCK, RORY!" Draco shouted, and I barely had enough time to grab my head and roll away before he pointed his wand at the door and it exploded on impact, metal flying and screeching in every direction as it smashed against cell blocks.

Scrambling to my feet, Draco grabbed my hand and we began sprinting through the maximum security block, which was almost empty as any death eaters on this block were broken out by now.

I counted the cells as we sprinted past, looking for Gennie.

Seven-shouts were coming from behind us.

Eight-we picked up speed.

Nine-what was on the floor ahead of us?

Ten-spells were being shot at us from behind, killing curses barely missing our heads.

Eleven-a bloody knife was on the floor, oddly familiar.

Twelve-the body of a guard was slumped in front of Gennie's cell, clutching his bleeding slashed throat.

"But-where is she?!" I shrieked, looking in the empty cell, the walls covered in tally marks and drawings, but no sight of my best friend. "She-she couldn't have done this, could she?"

"THERE THEY ARE!" the guards were catching up. If we didn't leave now-

"There she is!" Draco shouted, and without giving me a chance to react, he pulled me through the entrance way at the end of the block.

We were outside now on the battlements, cruelly pointed railings stabbing upwards into the air. Dementors were beginning to circle, the waves slapping against the bricks, sea spray whistling through the screaming wind. There was nobody in sight.

"GENNIE!" Draco screamed, and I darted to where he was looking, just in time to see a blonde girl leap from the railings. He turned to me, his eyes wild. "We need to jump!"

Without hesitation, I scrambled onto the railings, the glimpse of Gennie burning through me like an addictive drug. We could get her, we just needed to jump. Stood on the end of the railings, the sea seemed a million miles below us and fear began to swallow me up.

"Together!" Draco shouted, and before I could scream he'd grabbed my hand and the two of us were hurtling over the edge, water rushing up to meet us, green light chasing us like bloodhounds, dementors howling in the wind.

Slamming into the water, vision impaired, limbs heavy and a faint outline of blonde and grey in front of me, one thought came to mind--

Please, take us somewhere safe.


"Rory, you're okay," choking on fresh winter sunlight as I breathed out, I was well aware of Draco's hands on my face. "We're all okay."

"Gennie-"I choked out, rolling onto my side, vision blurry. I was on grass.

"She's here, we're all safe."

Scrambling into an upright position, I saw my best friend sat only a few feet away from me, shaking with her head in-between her legs.

"Gennie," I croaked out, and she looked up at me with the most broken look.

The Gennie I'd seen at Fleur's wedding was almost non-existent in the girl sat in front of me. She was malnourished, eyes gaunt in her thin face, clumps of hair missing and greasy. Gennie was wearing a striped prison dress, her visible skin covered in scrapes and bruises.

"No," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "No,"

Pulling her into my arms, her body was soon racked with sobs, her hands over her ears. "N-No," she choked out. "Please-not again, no-"

"It's Rory, it's me," I said, my vision blurred with tears. "You're safe."

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Gennie screeched, her expression broken and terrified. "Leave me alone, I'm out you can't get in my head anymore, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free-"

"It's us," Draco said, putting a hand on Gennie's shoulder, and she flinched at the touch. "We got you out. You would have drowned if we weren't there."

"But-"Gennie cried. "How are you-"

Clutching the side of her face, I looked straight into her terrified eyes, telling her, "It's real. I promise you on my life, this is all real, Gen. You have us."

Realisation dawned on Gennie's face and she began sobbing, collapsing onto me and holding me so tight I couldn't breathe but I didn't care.

"I missed you so much, Gen," I choked out, kissing the top of her head, beginning to shake from emotion. "You wouldn't believe it."

"I thought you died, I thought everyone was dead," Gennie whimpered, screwing her eyes shut. "I thought I was dead."

"Rory," Draco said, and his voice sounded odd. "I thought your house burned down?"

"It did--" I broke off, when I turned to see where I'd apparated us."Fuck."

There in front of us was 7 Pond Close, my old home. And there wasn't a single scratch on it.


A/N Don't panic, the next chapter is planned out, I thought it'd be good to cut it off there. ((Chapter 22 will be up like Thursday))

Thoughts on Gennie coming back? (I was almost crying writing this ngl)

Thoughts on how the Oswin house has suddenly resurrected itself?

Also today my teachers told me that I'm going to be a school Prefect next term!! I'm excited but I wasn't expecting it at all tbh

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