New side of us

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Author Pov
It's been a month since ivan and kevin become student. Riot that caused by those two fangirl still everywhere and as usual hana need evacuate herself to other seat everyday before class started except when those two have busy schedule and can't attend their class.
Early in the morning, there's someone already come in class, sleep with headphone on and hoodies on that person head. Creak in class door slowly open meaning there's someone else come into class in this cold morning.
Hana Pov
The creak on class door showing someone already here. I saw a guy sleeping there in my usual spot. I walked in slowly so I didn't distrub him and as i reach the desk i saw ivan sleeping soundly.

"Wow, he's so handsome" mesmerized by his face I whisper quietly as i sat down on my chair putting my bag on the side.

"Well i guess im gonna sleep more before class started" i told myself as i put my headphones wrap around ny head.
As the silence come surrounding us i feel my eyes begin to heavy and fell asleep.
Ivan Pov
I woke up as i heard a lot of people coming to class and i heard kevin's voice calling my name. I look up and kevin stupid grinning face in front of me and this famous daddy girl, sera or so i heard about looking worried.

"You look so lovey dovey today sleeping with hana" kevin said beaming widely at me.
I look right next to me there's hana who still sleeping even thought sera trying to wake her up.
Hana still sleeping under her arm covered with her sweater on top of her head.
I poke her arm a little trying to wake her up and try to poke her side. She's wakes up suddenly jolt her head up and i laugh a little seeing her reaction.

"What the? Don't poke my side" hana said still with her eyes half close.

"You should wake up any time soon. Sera been trying to wake you up many times" i said as i pull her sweater off her head.
Hana just looking at me with half sleepy and half annoyed as she get up from her seat walk toward the girls bathroom.

"What a funny girl" i murmur quitely as i see her out of the class.
Hana Pov
I walked out of my class with hands covering my face. I feel so embarrassed for some reason after seeing ivan face in front me when he distrub my enjoyable sleeping time. Ivan face looks so handsome as i remember his face when he was asleep.

"Stupid hana! Stop thinking about ivan! It just a little fling of your feeling!" I murmured quietly as walked toward girls bathroom.
Not long after that i go back to class and seeing Ivan looking out the windows with headphones on ignoring all of his fans that surrouding his seat (no wait basically that also mine ughh...) i walked toward my seat and choose to seat beside sera for a moment.

"Done washing your face?" Ask sera while she texting on her phone.

"Yeah, and im back to evacuate myself from those two fans" complaining, i rolled my eyes seeing those two idols.

"Well that's what you get when you sit beside famous guy like them you know and FYI, are you going to my daddy company party?" Sera looking at me with reminding looks.

"Hmm...i don't know your dads party well..quite extravagant for me"i said unsure whether I'll come or not.

"Well hello~ your parents job having more extravagant party than mine even they need to attend every awards ceremony if you not forget about that" sera complaining as i try to talk she cuts me off.

"You already promise me hana so no buts okay." Sera grin at me like she wins something big.

Big sigh let out from my mouth. Well for me, i really hate to attend any kind of party or even awards ceremonies. My parents famous in entertainment and music world obviously they always show them self in front of thousand cameras and people. As for me, i prefer to be at home cuddling with my blanket and my snuggly dolls that i got from my brother.
Bell that announced class will begin already ringing, i turn around and see some of kevin and ivan there clinging themself. I glare at them making sign that they need to go right now and they just go reluctantly as they glare back at me. Kevin smile at me as he sat down on his chair again and mouthing "sorry for distrub your space". I shrugged it off and return his smile back.

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