Meeting Tessa in person.

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The next day I get up super early. Caroline and Carlos are not up yet so I go in the kitchen and hide the drinks. That way Carlos can't get to them. After I hide them very well, I decided to make some coffee.
While I wait for the coffee to make, I check my Instagram. I see a beautiful picture made by Tessa. It's me! She made me out of paper, popcycle sticks, string, glue, marker ink, a lay, phone stickers, tape, a pipe cleaner, and Googley eyes. It's amazing!
Then I hear a beeping noise. The coffee is done. I get a cup and pour some coffee in it. Then I get some milk and creamer. After I fix my cup of coffee I go back to my room to get ready.
I sit it on my desk. I pick out my blue and white crop top and some short gean shorts and take a shower.
After I was done I get dressed and put on my black sandals. Then I do my hair and makeup.
By the time I was done I hear Caroline and Carlos talk in the living room.
Carlos, where in the world are the drinks Caroline? I know you took them."
Caroline, I don't know Carlos. And I did not take them."
Carlos, oh don't play that game with me."
Caroline, what game?"
Carlos, the game where you make up excuses and lie."
Caroline, I am not lying! In fact, I never touched them."
Then I heard a loud bang. Then, I heard Caroline scream. Carlos hit Caroline.
I ran out of my room and helped Caroline up.
Me, stop it Carlos! She is not lying! I'm the one who took them. I did it for your own good. Now go and get ready. We're already late."
They both gave me a mad look and walked out with out saying a word.

The beginning and end of friend ship, a Rihanna fan fiction!Where stories live. Discover now