2. The Day After Three Months Ago (Stevie Said)

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It was almost two in the morning when I received a call from Hannah. She was asking me to come downstairs because she wanted me to be in the photos. She was leaving soon so as a good friend I had to grant all her requests. 

I was still with Miss Batgirl, who apparently was gate crashing  Hannah's party. Yet I'm glad she did and kept me company. She was not my type, at least physically. But she had me with her sincerity.

I was keeping her hanging. I was not sure how to respond to her proposal. "My friend needs me downstairs," I said trying to sound urgent and changing the topic. 

"I understand if you have to leave," she answered, not demanding anything.

"Tonight is the best night I had in days and I cannot deny that I am attracted to you too," I just let it out, resonating her bravery and honesty. "I do not know when I will be ready."

"And I also understand that, but I can wait. You have to give me a chance in the future," she insisted, almost childlike. My heart cringed. 'If it was that easy. If I could just say yes,' I thought to myself. 

"You're such a sweetheart and I do not want you to wait."

"I have an idea then. Give me your phone," she said, this time being more assertive. "I will calendar our future date four months from now. Let's meet at eight in the evening on the rooftop restaurant on 7th Street."


"Don't worry, I will not be passively waiting. When I wake up later today, I will go back to my usual boring life. And don't be pressured about staying single. For all we know we are meant to be best friends instead. Ha-ha."

"But what are we wearing to make us recognize each other?" I asked to show I appreciate her trying.

"We don't need that. I am sure we will know," she assured me and I agreed.

"See you in four months, pee dancer."

"See you, my future girl friend."

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