
Sometime during the movie, Professor Oak had managed to wander away and both boys had fallen asleep through the chick-flick Daisy had slipped into the DVD player. Green woke up right at the end credits and turned to see Daisy stand up and stretch. Feeling an odd, but somehow familiar pressure on his shoulder, Green turned to see Red, fast asleep.

In his sleep, Red somehow managed to look even cuter- in Green's perspective anyway. His pale skin was now fanned by his long eyelashes resting delicately above his cheeks. His mouth, which looked soft and relaxed, was slightly parted and he took soft, yet deep, breaths. Red's jet-black locks splayed out sideways, letting Green see all of Red's face rather than when Red tried to hide using his hair.

Green looked down and saw his and Red's fingers intertwined. Huh... I don't remember falling asleep like this. A smile tugged at Green's lips. Bonded.... This is what it means to be bonded with someone. Red... I-

"Green! Take the poor lad up to your room, don't let him just sleep on the couch!" Gramps shouted from the kitchen, for once sounding like an old man as he grumbled on about bonded boys not taking care of their soulmate and days of the past... something else about castration? Shivers of fear wracked through Green before he slowly stood up, trying not to wake Red as he lifted him up princess style and carried him up the stairs to his bedroom.

As soon as he placed Red on his bed, he had to look quickly away as a blush covered his and his pants just seemed to get tighter. Shit. Red's hair was splayed about his pillow, Red was on his bed....

Green sat at his desk on the other side of his room, far, far, away from the boy. Green closed his eyes, in an attempt to clear his head, but rather than seeing darkness, he seemed to be at a track field. Some kids seemed to be getting their time recorded. After about three runners a small boy, who looked like a slightly younger version of Red, stepped up. Red?

He looked around confused for a second before shrugging and preparing himself to run. Did he hear me? Again he looked around, but the coach snapped at him, telling him to concentrate. The whistle blew and Red was off. He raced across the track faster than anyone I'd ever seen before. It wasn't long before he was back at the starting line and the coach seemed to be jumping in excitement at his time.

The scenery around him changed to a locker room. Red looked slightly older now and seemed to be in uniform. He was lacing up his shoes when, out of no where, a guy came up to Red and punched him hard in the face. Red! Red fell to the floor and two more guys picked him up and pinned him to the wall.

"You think you're so great huh? Just cause you win a couple of first place trophies you think you can just take my spot of top runner around here newbie? Well, I'll show you what I think about how that." The guy lashed out and broke Red's shin bone, his scream of agony echoing around the room before one of the guys pinning him silenced him with a rag. That bastard was about to go for Red's other leg before I rushed out.



Before I knew it I was back in my room and Red shot up from my bed, panting hard, a scared look in his eyes. I rushed over and sat on the bed, hugging him to me. He shook softly before holding onto me tightly.

"Sorry you had to see that." I could tell Red felt my pain through our bond. I cupped his cheeks softly and tilted his head up so he was facing me.

"I'm sorry you ever went through it. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you-"

"You couldn't have-!"

"I know... but ever fiber of my being is telling me I should have been there..." We hugged each other tighter, not wanting to let the other one go for even a moment.

"Red... I... I think... No, I do... I love you." Instantly their destined wrist began to tingle and the names appeared. The bond clicked fully into place and Green could feel every single emotion and see every thought that ran through Red's brain and vice versa. Red is now, truly, his other half.

He could feel the love pouring from the smaller boy, even before he said the words, "I love you too Green." The bond pulled them together, and their lips met. Their mouths moved in perfect sync, almost as if they've been doing it for years. Green could feel Red's pleasure from the kiss, intensifying his own.

When both boys finally broke away for some much needed air, it was to find themselves lying on the bed, Green towering over Red. The smaller boy blushes lightly before leaning up a bit and nuzzling Green's neck softly, holding him close, causing Green to hold back a soft moan.


"Yes Red?" Green's fingers trailed through Red's hair softly, enjoying the feel of the silk-like locks flowing through his fingers.

"I-it's okay... You can."


A/N: Hoped ya'll liked this last chapter! I tried to make it a bit longer than usual, but I'm not sure if I succeeded. Please comment and vote, I love hearing from you all!- thanks for sticking by me! Sayanora~

Bonded by Fate (Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora