Chapter 1

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      Before I begin my story I will tell you a little about myself. My name is Star and I am a werewolf. I have blond hair with black highlights, eyes that are blue and a slender body with a birthmark that looks like a star. My pack abuses me since I am weak who can’t take care of herself. So because of my pack I am scared of everyone. My wolf is white with black tips on her fur and my eyes stay blue. Our pack is called Blackling and we are second most dangerous pack.

       The alpha of the Nightmare pack which is the first most dangerous pack is coming here to talk to our alpha. I get the food ready for the meeting when I smell something amazing that makes my mouth water. I am serving the food when I spotted some guys that I didn’t recognize. I realized they are from the Nightmare pack. When I am giving the alpha of the Nightmare pack his food I realized that the amazing smell is coming from.

     When I am about to walk away the alpha grabs my wrist. I know it is the alpha since I feel sparks when his hand is touching. Which means the alpha of the Nightmare pack is my mate so that means I am their alpha female. I look up at the alpha in fear but I look back down when I realized there are bruises on my face. When I hear him growl I start to shake as well as back up but he stops me.

    “The treaty is no longer needed” my alpha mate said growling

    “What do you mean the treaty is not needed” my alpha said growling

    “I have just found my mate and she is scared of me as well as she has marks on her body so your pack has been hurting my mate” my alpha mate said in a growl

     I look over at my alpha to see that he has pales at this news. I look over at my mate when I feel his eyes looking at me. When my mate picks me up bridal style I stiffen since I have never been picked up by a man. I watch as he walks out the front door to his car then he sets me on my feet.

        When he sets me on my feet he opens the back door and gestures for me to get in. after I got in he shuts the door then walks over to his beta and 3rd command. I watch them talk then the beta and 3rd command come over to the car while my alpha mate goes inside. The beta gets in the driver’s seat while the 3rd command gets in the passenger seat.

      I look over at the pack house when I hear noises coming from inside. I try to get out of the car only for the doors to be locked. I look up front to see the beta with a smirk on his face.

     “Let me out or the car something is going on inside of the pack house” I said trying to open the door while it is locked

     The beta shakes his head no with the smirk still on. I look back at the pack house when I hear the door slam shut. I see my alpha mate come out of the pack house heading to the car. Once he got to the car he got in the back seat with me. The alpha pulls me to his side and starts smelling me while calming down.

      “Are we heading home now alpha” the beta said while turning the car on

       “Yes we are heading home for now” my alpha mate said tightening his arms around me

       I watch as the pack house gets smaller and smaller as we drive away. I look over at my mate when I feel him looking at me.

      “What is your name mate?” my mate said with a smile

       “My name is Star” I said while shaking a little

      “Well Star my name is Night and you don’t need to be afraid I will protect you as well as my pack” Night said while rubbing his hands up and down on my back

      I slowly relax in his arms since I don’t truly trust him. My pack always beat me if I didn’t listen to them so I have a lot of scars from my pack. Night has black hair with blue eyes and a twelve pack with his arms bulging from the muscles.

    When I feel the car come to a stop I look outside to see a huge house. There is a lot of males in the front yard some of them have females which I am guessing are their mates. After the car came to a stop Night pulls me out of the car. I look over to one of the females when I smell something familiar.

     When she turned around I fainted to who it is since I am shocked. I felt Night pick me up then I feel him lay me down on something soft. I fall asleep to Night stroking my hair.

The Dangerous Alpha and his MateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant