Slowly evaporating into thin air

Start from the beginning

Chapter 4

That girl with the long blonde hair really did leave an impact on me; i found that my mind was occupied with thoughts of her. I was in the middle of the woods now, the orange and brown leaves lay crumpled on the floor, and I took a deep breath in and inhaled with my nose. *Sigh* I love autumn.  It’s the season where everything changes... i instantly knew that i was going to remember this autumn for the rest of my life. As i arrived at my house on the outskirts of the woods, i smelt the warm smell of risteotto, this ment that Ma, had been cooking and that i wasn’t going to get food poisoning because my little brother hadn’t been cooking. Well... i say little brother, he was actually taller than me and he’s the younger twin. As soon as i walked in through the door, Riley [that’s my twin brother] came running to meet me with his special school boy grin- the one that most girls would die to get. I grinned back and went to eat tea

Chapter 5

It was starting to get dark; the Ambulance guy packed up his stuff up and carried me towards the ambulance, i noticed that he was quite strong and that he had obviously been working out. He drove me home without a word and then explained to my father why i was late. My father did the whole oh no you silly poppet act but even the Ambulance guy wasn’t buying it. I just wondered whether as soon as the Ambulance guy had left whether he would start shouting at me. Strangely enough my father didn’t yell at me, he just simply asked me if I was hungry, I said that I was starving. He then handed me a bowl of chicken soup and then sat down to eat his, I then polished mine off at lightning speed, and then I went to wash up, I asked my father if I could be excused and he said yes. I ran up to my room clutching my sketch book, I then put it under my loose floor board- this is where I put all my important and private things. I then ran a bath and got into my pyjamas, and got into bed, as I lay in bed it suddenly dawned on me how tired I was. I shut my eyes and was immediately asleep, it has to be said that it was the best sleep I had, had in ages.

Chapter 6

That night I couldn’t sleep, I needed to know if the girl was okay. I was regretting not jumping in and saving her. Oh why was i thinking about her? I had it all, the supportive family, great mates and I was the captain of the football team. I was treated practically like royalty at school, and yet none of it seemed to matter, I was falling desperately in love with the girl; i shook my head trying to shake out all of my thoughts. I turned over, I could hear Riley’s gently breathing and it relaxed me. The next morning I woke up feeling rested. I got up and went to school in a fantastic mood, I even did a gay sort of skip, and Riley who wasn’t quite used to me being so energetic was taken back and was slightly worried at my peculiar change of mood. However he decided to just go with the flow and let me look like a total loon, I guess it’s true what they say- love makes you do weird and peculiar things... I checked my timetable to see what I had, even the thought of having English with Miss Wilberton couldn’t spoil my mood, I was on a all high I cheerfully said hello to everyone in the hall, I felt new and refreshed, I had a new form of energy even in football training I tried my hardest and tore up and down the field faster than any of the other lads. I passed, tackled, dribbled and bang I took a shot at goal I managed to place the ball neatly in the top left hand corner... The lads were going wild... We had suddenly gone from the worst football team to the best team; we were ready to play Wolverton the meanest and fastest team in our region. On the day of the match we were all pretty nervous, Riley was shaking and looked like he was going to chuck his guts up, I just hoped he wouldn’t. I was the captain and my team were relying on me to deliver them a speech that was going to inspire them and take their minds of their nerves. I tried my best to deliver a good and thoughtful speech but in the end I ended up saying let’s go and kick Wolverton’s butt. We played the game of our lives and thrashed Wolverton, the end score was 8-0. We were now the best in the region.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2011 ⏰

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