Chapter 1 "The Story Begins"

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Chelle's Point of View
"Come on, Chelle, you know you can do better than that!" Felix chants at me while he's drawing his wooden sword at me clashing into mine.
Peter's just standing there, analysing us while we try to "kill eachother".

Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Michelle, Michelle Jones, but I like to be called Chelle for short. I'm 12 years old. I have medium length dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm 4'11"...I'm pretty short, but I'm only 12, I'm still growing! My father is none other than Captain Hook, and my mother...well she 'was' Red Riding Hood, until she died when I was a baby, so meaning, I'm the new red riding hood because, like my mother, I also have the power of transformation into a wolf. I have to keep my red cloak with me when it's a full moon at night or else I turn know.

When I turned 10, I first came onto Neverland without my father's permission (I snuck out in the middle of the night) and came upon a group of boys at a campsite. They call themselves "The Lost Boys" and I also met Felix, the second lost boy, and Peter Pan, the first lost boy, and they became like my second family since.

It's now two almost three years since I've known them and I'm so glad I met them. I love them all so much and I don't know what I'd do if I like never saw them again.

Felix keeps swinging at me with his wooden sword trying to hit me, and I'm getting hit a few times, but this time, I blocked him, and swung at his side to where he pretended to fall down. I stepped on his chest and drew my sword to his neck and asked, "Give up?"
He starts chuckling and nods his head replying, "Yes, Chelle, I give up."
I get off of him and let him get up. Then, I hear and look at Peter chuckling and clapping slowly like this was entertaining to watch. I start running up to Peter and I give him a hug and he gives one back. Then, Felix walks up, pulls me off of Peter and gives me a hug and I hug him back.
Felix and I let go and Peter tells me, "Chelle, you're getting pretty good at this. Maybe next time, you can start learning archery." and I got all excited because I always wanted to learn how to do archery! Felix cuts in telling me, "Chelle, what time do you have to get back to the ship?" I look at the sun and realized that it's sunset, almost dark! I have to be back by now! I told them, "Oh my God! Guys? I have to start heading back now! My papa's gonna be mad at me when he realizes I'm not on the ship!"
Then, Felix and Peter start to panic a little and Peter told me, "I'll be able to take you back quick." and all of a sudden, Peter sprinkled pixie dust all over him and I and he ordered Felix, "Start heading back to the camp. I'll be there shortly." and then Felix waved goodbye and started heading towards the camp.

We landed near the shore on Neverland where my father's ship lies. Before I started heading back, Peter told me, "I'm gonna start heading back to camp. Now, start heading back to your father's ship before you get in trouble."
I gave Peter a hug and he gave one back and was about to head off until Peter got my attention, "Chelle! Wait! I've got a present for you!"
I turn back around and Peter's holding out a beautiful star necklace that gleams in the sunlight. It also has an emerald in the middle of it. He turned me around and put it around my neck. I turned back around and gave him a big hug. "Thanks, Peter! It's beautiful! I love it!"
"Well, you're welcome, Chelle. Now, hide it in your shirt so your father doesn't see it."
I tucked it in my shirt, said one last goodbye, and started heading off. I glanced behind me and saw Peter standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back and turned back around and kept heading to the shore.

I finally got back to the ship (I hope) in time. If my father's on the deck waiting for me, I'm dead.
I start walking onto the deck and what'd ya know... of course my father's waiting on the deck for me. Now I'm in for it.

"Where were you?!? You're always on the ship about a half an hour earlier and you're coming now?!? Where were you?!?"
I tried to answer him, but got cut off by him talking over me answering his own question, "Oh wait! I know where you were! You were with Pan and his lost boys!"
I was shocked! I had no idea that he knew! Well, I'm in trouble.
"Papa, I can explain."
"Well, you don't have to because we're heading back to the Enchanted Forest."
"What?!? But Papa, we can't! Neverland's my home!"
"-and so is the Enchanted Forest! You were born there! Oh, and don't worry. We'll be heading back here when you're 17."
"What?!? But that's how long from now!"
"I know and I don't care! We're setting sails now!"

Hook starts heading towards the wheel and the crew are trying to hoist the sails and everything. I walk to the side of the ship and lean on the railing. Then, I quickly take out the star pendant on my necklace that Peter gave me. Looking at it, I didn't realize I started to cry until I saw one of my tears fall onto the emerald on the star pendant. I look up back at Neverland and saw a figure standing on the beach. It was Peter that had a depressed expression on his face. I know he's looking at me, so I sadly wave at him and he does the same back. I won't be coming back to my second home and seeing the ones I love until 5 years from now...

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