Monster Kid vs. Nano

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(At the Stewart Mansion, Max is currently in the living with with Mary, Ava, Debbie, Mary Jr., Adrian, Daisy, Daphne, Sam and Veronica)

Alina: A swarm of alien nanites has arrived in the city and merge together into a giant robot that's going on a rampage. The police are escorting civilians to safety while Avalon, the Incredibles, Frozone, the Wannabe Supers and the Blight Force are protecting the civilians from this automaton from outer space.

Max: Uh, Mom? I think we need to.............

(Mary grabs Max by the arm and teleports the both of them into the city)

Max: Oh, we're here, now where's this alien?

(Max see the other heroes battling Nano)

Max: Oh.

(Mary and Max see Harold and Jade running towards them)

Harold: Mary, Max, you're here.

Jade: Nano is attacking the city.

Mary: We know, we're here to stop it.

(Meanwhile, Frozone attempts to stop Nano with his ice powers, but no luck as the Blight Force tried to restrain the nanotech being with a light construct sphere, but ultimately failed when Nano emits an energy pulse that shattered the construct sphere)

Alora: Oh no! it destroyed the sphere!

Elastigirl: How are we going to stop this thing?

Violet: Maybe an EMP device?

(Moments later, Mary and Max charge at Nano from behind as the nanotech creature turns around and sees them)

Mary: Alright Max, let's blast it!

(Mary and Max project energy eye beams at Nano, which had no effect while Nano tries to grab them)

Max: The beams had no effect.

(Mary strikes a number of punches at Nano, pushing him back, but he was able to grab her with his bare hands)

Mary: (grunts) Let me go!

(Nano's eyes glow, preparing to use his energy eye beams to hit Mary, but to get hit with an electric energy beam, forcing him to release her as she lands near the others. Afterwards, he turns around and saw Max transformed as Indigon flying towards him)

 Afterwards, he turns around and saw Max transformed as Indigon flying towards him)

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Violet: What's with the giant blue bird?

Elastigirl: I assume that's Max?

Mary: Yes as Indigon.

(Indigon fires another electric energy beam, directly at Nano's head, causing the nanotech creature to shriek in pain. Sooner or later, Nano starts to create tendrils, trying to capture Indigon, the latter evades them and dives at the former, attacking him with a number of head butts, beak and gust attacks)

Dash: He's gonna win, he's gonna........

(Nano's eyes glow, emitting a high-frequency sound that causes Harold, Jade, Mary and the others to collapse on their knees, covering their ears while groaning in agony. Indigon falls onto the ground and transforms back into Max, who's covering his ear due to the a sound)

Max: (groans) Ugh! The sound!

(Max struggles to move when he see Nano marching him)

Alora: (groans) Max!

Mary: (groans) Come on Max, please get up! Don't let him beat you!

(Hearing his mother's words, Max looks determine and glows, transforms into Geo-Mite)

(Geo-Mite roars at Nano, projecting powerful laser beams from his eyes at the nanotech entity several times, knocking him to the ground, causing the high-frequency sound attack to stop as everyone gets their feet)

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(Geo-Mite roars at Nano, projecting powerful laser beams from his eyes at the nanotech entity several times, knocking him to the ground, causing the high-frequency sound attack to stop as everyone gets their feet)

Jade: Ugh, my head.

(Nano quickly gets back up and charges at Geo-Mite, attacking him with punches and kicks, but the latter stood his ground and spread his wings as he takes flight. Moments later, Nano flies into the sky, right after Geo-Mite as the two continue their fight in the sky, watched by everyone. Eventually, Nano fires a particle beam his right hand at Geo-Mite, but had no effect as Geo-Mite absorbs the beam's energy, continued forward, blasting straight through Nano's body, causing it to explode, leaving nothing but a severed arm, which falls to the water and sinks into the bottom of the bay)

Violet: Wow, that ended quickly.

(Geo-Mite lands back into the city, right near Mary and the others)

Alora: Great job Max for stopping Nano.

(Geo-Mite transforms back into Max)

Max: Once again, the day's been saved thanks to the all mighty Monster Kid of..........

Violet: Okay, we get it, you saved the planet from deadly alien nanotechnology.

Mr. Incredible: No reason to keep bragging about it.

(Max laughs nervously)

Max: Sorry.

Theodore: We'll salvage what's left of Nano and contain him in a cell,

Dash: So, what do we do now?

Max: Pizza, we get pizza!

(Everyone stares at Max)

Elastigirl: Pizza's alright with me.

(Everyone agrees)

Violet: I want olives and sausage.

(Later at a secured cell at the Avalon prison, Nano is currently in his nanite swarm form, contained in a cylinder, trying to escape but no luck)

Unnamed guard: A swarm of alien nanotechnology attacks the city and gets defeated by Max Stewart aka Monster Kid, that kid is something.

(As the guard leaves, Nano starts getting angry over his defeat by Max, vowing revenge)

Nano: Monster Kid!

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