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Lewis went to the manager to ask for Adam to be allowed to leave early since he was just not in the right headspace to be working and needed rest. His manager agreed to let him go since he had been observing Adam's behaviour today and knew something was not right. Lewis came back to let Adam know of the decision made.

Adam = "Lewis, it's fine, i'll be ok i have so much work to do"

Lewis = "Adam! stop being so stubborn and reluctant, your not in the right mindest to work, this is not up for debate"

Lewis = "Get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow" he smiled

Adam reluctantly agreed, stored the files away in a secured safe and packed his bag. He walked out the door and sent a quick message to let Ariya know he would be home early and then headed to collect the cake Ariya had ordered. Once he arrived at the parking lot and was walking towards his car, he noticed the note he had seen in the CCTV footage on his window.

Adam = "How does he know this is my car?"

He scanned the area around him to make sure no one was stalking him before cautiously going inside the car and immediately drove off to the cake shop. He entered the shop and asked for the cake under Alayna's name since it was her 6th birthday cake. As he waited for the cake, he asked around to see if anyone could read Korean to help him understand the note but he had no luck. He collected Alayna's Elsa's cake and drove back home, pulling up in the driveway and made sure to lock the driveway gates and the car door.
Adam was greeted with a warm hug by Alayna who came running to see him.

Alayna = "Daddy! i missed you" she smiled and squeezed him tight

Adam = "Hi my laylay princess, i missed you too" he smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Alayna = "is that my cake? can we eat it now?"

Adam = "yes it is baby, but we have to wait for Zayn uncle"

Alayna reluctantly agreed to wait, standing by the front door to see when Zayn would enter so she could indulge in the cake. Adam laughed seeing that she wouldn't move from that position, so he went to see Ariya.

Ariya = "Babe! you're here early, how was work"

Adam = "Hey sweetheart, sorry i should've called, it was good"

Ariya = "Are you sure? You sound unsure about that" Is everything ok?"

Adam = "Yeah, don't worry everything's fine" he smile reassuring her

Ariya = "Ok, if you say so but if you need to talk about anything, i'm always here"

Adam smiled and nodded in agreement and then went to freshen up. He splashed his face with cold water to clear his head of everything and then sat on the floor leaning his head back on the wall. He wanted to tell Ariya the truth but he just couldn't, he had to protect his family especially since he knew the kind of person Isaac was. A few minutes later, he walked to his bedroom and took the picture out of his pocket and looked at the note written on the back, infuriated by the threatening message. He ripped up the picture and threw it in the fire place, watching the fire engulf each little piece till it was unrecognisable before he walked off to the living room.

Alayna = "Daddy daddy, uncle is here now can we eat the cake

Adam = "Yes my love we can, you've waited so patiently" he smiled

Zayn = "Hey Adam, you alright? Was Alayna waiting for me to eat"

Adam = "Hey man, yeah all good, you?"

Adam = "Yeah, i told her we had to wait for Zayn uncle before having the cake and she had been standing by the door until you came" he laughed

Zayn = "oh haha, sorry sweetheart you must've waited a long time" he smiled

Ariya = "well he's here now, so let's have fun now" she smiled as she walked in with the cake in her hand.

Ariya brought the cake to the living room along with plates and spoons and everyone sat down on the dining table ready to indulge in the cake. They started singing happy birthday to Alayna but was interrupted by a knock on the door

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