Prologue: Welcome to Night City

Start from the beginning

Pepe: "It's this guy, Kirk. I owe 'im. Don't pay by tomorrow, said he'd bust my legs, an' he don't joke about that stuff. Got cartels in his corner."

Zero: "You sure that's not just an empty threat? I've heard a lot of names, but this Kirk ain't one of them."

Pepe: "Either way, my bro jumped the joint, deserved a hero's welcome."

Zero sighed.

Zero: "About time I talk with him. Then you owe me one."

Pepe: "You sure? No offense, but a girl like you don't look like much."

Zero: "I'll manage. And I'm male."

Pepe: "Oh, I couldn't tell. My bad."

Zero: "Least you don't owe me money. Where can I find Kirk?"

Pepe: "Upstairs in the booths. One on the far left."

Zero got up and walked upstairs to see Kirk on the far left booth just as Pepe said.

Zero: "You Kirk?"

Kirk: "I must have had too much. No way a pretty thing like you is asking for me."

Zero: "My name is Zero. I'm male, and you're not my type."

Kirk: "That was unexpected. Well, take a seat. What do you need?"

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