I Envy Your Assumptions, Hermano

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(TW: Homophobia, use of the f-slur, and child abuse)

Jorge Rodriguez

Jorge laughed as his little brother told another joke that he had heard earlier that day at a Pride Parade. He looked down at the little boy’s face, covered in rainbow paint and stickers that said ‘Gay Is Okay!’ and ‘¡Me Amo Ser Gay!’. He flicked the shorter one's temple as he made a sarcastic comment about how Jorge hadn’t known how to act when people hit on him at the event.

“They were so flirting with you!” Juli yelled.

“No they were not! They were being polite.” Jorge said, mocking a posh accent as he said the word ‘polite’.

The two of them calmed down from their laughs as the bright shining of the stars continued to stream in through the living room window. A song blasted from the TV as Nick and Charlie kissed, his little brother had insisted that they had to wind down from the day by watching an episode of Heartstopper.

“You know…” Jorge hummed with his eyes shut, waiting tiredly for him to finish the sentence, “I’m just really glad our mom is accepting. It would suck if we weren’t able to do this.” Another hum, as he tried not to sniffle at those words. He wasn’t willing to tell Juli how their mother had been when he was the younger one’s age.

“It’s not something I can change, Mama!” Jorge screamed at his mother as Vara cried in the background.

“What about Ana Piña? I thought you liked her!” Maria yelled, her face red as she looked at her son.

“No! I never fucking have!” He continued.

“Don’t curse in my house! Think of your little siblings! Do you think Julian needs a disrespectful homosexual to look up to? Your Papa is dead. You need to be a good example for him!” Jorge’s nostrils flared as he heard that. Cali turned up the children’s cartoon on her phone as he heard Juli ask about what was going on.

“Maybe he needs someone who actually has the capability of caring for someone rather than you! And how many times do you need to be told?! He doesn’t like his full name. He wants to be called Juli!” He breathed raggedly as he saw Vara pick up her head from hands for just a second before immediately letting it fall back as sobs continued to wrack her body. Her shoulders shook.

“You think I don’t care for you?! Do you know how many times people told me to leave you and your siblings at a foster home or something because they thought I couldn’t take care of you all alone after your father died?! I am doing all of this because I love you!” Maria balled her hands into fists.

“If you love me shouldn’t you be fine with me being gay?!” He asked, hoping to break through to her.

“No!” She screamed. “My son is not a faggot!” She finally let some of her anger go as she pushed his chest.

He didn’t even stagger though, being much taller and stronger than her. He looked down at her as tears slid down his cheeks from what he had just heard her say. He finally let himself snap after minutes of sitting there in silence, shock, and horror.

He grabbed Vara’s hand and pulled her out of the corner, not giving her any time to react before pulling open the door and running out with her. He barely paid attention to their lack of shoes or the rocks under their feet, cutting them harshly, or Vara climbing on his shoulders after a minute because she was already out of breath from her crying earlier.

Maria attempted to run out after them, but, after all, he was also faster than her.

“You awake?” Juli asked him after not getting a response for a little while.

Jorge nodded and said, “Yeah. I’m gonna take a shower and get to bed. Don’t stay up too much longer, okay hermano?”

Juli rolled his eyes and said, “Fine.” with a huff as Jorge left the room with a dampened chuckle.

He brushed the tear off of his cheek as he left the room, happy that his brother never had to deal with the worst of their mother, but also envious of that fact.

(Spanish Translations:

Hermano = Brother

¡Me Amo Ser Gay! = I Love Being Gay!

Word Goal: 500

Word Count: 712

I'm sorry if the formatting is weird, I'm doing this on my phone. So, if there are any mistakes, then I'll fix them later.

I know that the Rodriguez lore can be confusing, so this is just a small snippet to explain why Vara and Jorge don't like their mother.

I can create a chronological timeline if that's something that's interesting. I don't know, though. I just kinda fell in love with these characters, lol.

Also, before anyone asks or accuses me of anything, I am queer. Please don't come at me. Some of this is based on personal experience.

Sorry if this still doesn't make sense.

Also, I finished writing 'Assassination' and have started on the second book. I'll try to update it soon, though!

How are you?

I don't believe I have anything else to say.

Hope you enjoyed! Bye!)

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