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I read *Noor* after seeing a rave review by *StoryTellerAD

This book falls under the Indian Historical Romance genre and appears to be a fan fiction derived from the series *Jodha Akbar*.

The author vividly describes a time when the Mughals were the primary rulers of the Indian subcontinent. Smaller kingdoms either waged wars at the risk of losing to the Mughal army or formed alliances with them, primarily through marriage.

In this story, Shehenshah Jalal agrees to an alliance with a smaller kingdom by taking Princess Jyothi as his fourth wife.

The author succeeds in describing a world that immerses the reader in an unfamiliar yet captivating setting.

Despite the historical and cultural differences, the characters are rendered relatable and compelling. The portrayal extends beyond the male and female protagonists, encompassing the numerous surrounding characters with depth and nuance.

Through subtle storytelling, the author introduces profound concepts, illustrating how freedom and happiness can remain elusive, even for those who are powerful, rich, and seemingly have everything they could desire.

I would recommend that the author proofread her work, as there are a few errors in grammar / sentence construction. However, none are severe enough to dissuade me altogether. The author's use of simple language makes the book accessible to a wider audience.

Even as someone who does not generally read fan-fiction or historical romances, I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

Chapters read : 12
Status: Ongoing


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