CHAPTER - 3 Revenge!

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" Why does his pulse seem familiar? ", Khushi frowned as she took out the thin, long shiny needle and prick on his skin, an accupoint which can relieve the intense pain of the fire poison inside him. She rotated the needle inside his skin on the same spot for a while and then took it out.

She raised her eyes and asked, " how's it? ",Arnav looked at her for a while before answering, " not bad. ".

" ASR, are you alright? ", Aman asked nervously.

Arnav nodded, " it's been 2 years since I feel relieved from the pain. ", his voice was still cold but there was a relief in his eyes.

Khushi took her purse from the dressing table, she took out a pen, a notepad and a little baby fist size jar, " this little jar contain poison-condensing pills. These pills will help you to control the poison spreading in your body. ", she handed the little jar to him.

Arnav took the little jar, he opened it and a refreshing smell of herbs hit his nose, which calms the every nerve of his body.

" Bye bye.. my work is done. Don't forget to sign this agreement. ", Khushi waved at arnav and picking up her purse she walked few steps but stopped a little away from arnav.

" Oh.. I forgot it. ", Khushi slapped her forehead and grabbed arnav's collar, making Aman's eyes widened, she pulled him closer, her hot breath fanned at his ear turning his ear red, " it's seems someone is keeping an eye on you. But tch.... I tossed it in the trash. ", she released the grip and then after patting his shoulder she walked out of his room.

Arnav looked at her leaving back, his lips curved into a mesmerizing curve, " My new wife is interesting. ".

" ASR what Miss Gupta...... ", Aman wanted to ask what Khushi told him but seeing arnav's glare he zipped his mouth.

" Checked the mansion and tossed every hidden camera away. ", Arnav ordered.

" What cameras!!!!! Where..... ", he stopped in mid as he realized what his words meant.

" Sorry ASR.. it's subordinate who failed to do his duty well. ", Aman apologies with his head down in guilt.

Arnav didn't scold but ordered him, " Get the room beside me ready for Miss Khushi. ", he hold little jar in one hand and contract papers in another. He signed the contract and gives the papers to Aman, " keep these paper well. And give a copy of this to miss Khushi. And investigate Miss khushi Nani's whereabouts. ".

Aman nodded his head in acknowledgment, " yes ASR. ".

Aman walked out of the room leaving arnav in his deep thought as he stared at the little jar in his hand.

" Who are you Khushi!!? ", arnav whispered in his husky voice.



" Not bad.... ", Khushi ran her hand on the row of clothes in her room's cloakroom. The cloakroom is big and have everything a girl need. From her shoes, heels , luxurious bags, make up to new launched dresses & sarees of famous designer.

" This husband is not bad.. devi mayiyan looked like a year here will be boring.. ", Khushi mattered with bored expressions.

Just Then her cell ring, she looked at the caller ID, it's her Assistant Kumar.

" Boss.. that old man father again messed up the recent project. When we are going to stop cooperating with Gupta company.  What a retard he is!! He didn't understand and got the project wrong and we again had to clean his mess. And they are also arrogant. They are taking our help for granted. ", Kumar vented his frustration.

Khushi chuckled as she lazly leaned on the door of wardrobe, " Kumar..... Let them be happy for a while. I want them to raise to the ladder of success and then pushed them down and never raise up again. ", her eyes were extremely cold as she clinched her fist.

" Boss. I found out what you told me to find. After Shashi Gupta abandoned you in the forest. He not only take archana ma'am's properties. He also feed the drug to her so that her depression got worse. And archana ma'am's body is only able to hold for 6 months before passing away. And only 2 months later he bring Garima at home with Payal. ", Kumar told everything he found about what happened when Shashi abandoned her in the forest.

Khushi's eyes turned red. The pain can be visible clearly in her eyes, tears flow down on her smooth skin of cheeks.
She was only 5 years old when Shashi bring in jungle that is quite far from Delhi and he leaves her in jungle alone. She spent 2 days there in jungle on the verge of dying without food and water. If not for her guru ji who find her in jungle and bring her out of the jungle she would have died there. Her guru ji is a very well known but down to earth renowned doctor who not only know traditional medicine but also well versed in modern medicine. He teaches her everything what she has today.
He took her overseas.

Her guru ji is quite mysterious to the outside world but for her he's not only her teacher but also her family. She's with her guru ji till she turns 14 learning everything after that she comes back to India and started a company which now a very well known multi national company.

She wiped her tears as she said, " let's play with those Gupta family slowly. Let him bid the south side of plot that will be auctioned next week. ", her red wet eyes giving a evil vibe.

" OMG.. it's that plot which govt is still discussing to convert into government property, right!!? Shashi Gupta will go damn crazy if he got broke while working on this plot.. tch!!!!! ", Kumar wanted to laugh out on shashi's upcoming fate. He's eagerly waiting for that time. He silently lighted a prayer lamp in his heart for Gupta family what they are going to face!! His boss's revenge is going to begin!!!!

" Okay.. I gotta go.. ", Khushi said as she going to hung when Aman interrupted.

" Boss.. there's something that I want to tell you.. I found out something that I don't know I should tell you.. ", Kumar nervously said.

Khushi frowned, " what is it? ".

" .... ", Aman told her making her heart skipped a beat. She looked shocked but then she got silent for a while in deep thought.

" Okay got it.. ", saying this she hung the call. She pressed her forehead and then taking her bathrobe she walked out of the cloakroom and walked to her bathroom for shower.


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