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On the main deck, Alicent, Moira, Visenya, and Evelyn found themselves forced to their knees, their spirits crushed under the weight of Daemon's capture. His words cut through the air like a dagger, as he spoke of Maekar, Alicent's husband and the father of Moira and Visenya, in a derogatory manner, labeling him as "The Mad King."

Moira, fueled by her righteous anger, spat at Daemon's feet, her voice filled with defiance. "If anyone is mad, it's the usurper bitch! She killed my brother! You have no right to judge our father!"

Daemon's eyes burned with fury at Moira's words. Without hesitation, he ordered his men to throw her overboard, savoring the fear in Alicent's eyes and the protests that escaped her trembling lips.

Alicent's voice quivered with desperation as she pleaded with Daemon. "Please! Spare my daughter! She is innocent in all of this! I beg you!"

Daemon paused, relishing in the terror that consumed Alicent's being. His cold gaze pierced through her, a silent reminder of the power he held over their lives. The moment stretched on, each passing second amplifying the unbearable tension.

"Let her go, Daemon! Please!" Alicent sobbed.

"Very poor choice of words," Daemon grinned manically. He nodded at the two Gold Cloaks and they let Moira go. Alicent's piercing scream filled the air.

With a heart-wrenching scream, Moira was thrown overboard, disappearing into the unforgiving depths of the ocean below. The sound of her body hitting the water echoed through the air, sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed the gruesome act.

Alicent's anguish knew no bounds as she collapsed to her knees, her cries of despair mingling with the crashing waves. The loss of her eldest daughter, her precious Moira, was a pain that threatened to consume her entirely. The weight of guilt and helplessness crushed her spirit, leaving her feeling hollow and broken.

Daemon's cruel laughter pierced through the air, his sadistic pleasure evident in his eyes. He reveled in the suffering he had inflicted upon Alicent, relishing in the depth of her despair. His grip on power tightened, his dominance unquestioned in the wake of such a heinous act.

But amidst the darkness and despair, a flicker of defiance began to burn within Alicent's shattered heart. The pain of losing Aegon and Moira fueled her determination to resist Daemon's tyranny. She swore to herself that she would not allow her daughter's sacrifice to be in vain. She would fight, with every ounce of strength she had left, to bring justice and retribution upon the man who had torn her family apart.

With tear-stained eyes and a resolute spirit, Alicent rose from the cold deck of the ship. She turned her gaze towards Daemon, her voice trembling but filled with unwavering determination.

"You may have taken two of my children from me, Daemon, but know this: I will never stop fighting. I will not rest until the day comes when you pay for the atrocities you have committed. Aegon's and Moira's blood will be avenged."

Daemon's smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. But he quickly regained his composure, his gaze hardening as he stared back at Alicent.

"Your defiance is futile, Alicent. You are but a pawn in Rhaenyra's game. Accept your fate and bow before me, or suffer the consequences."

Alicent's lips curled into a defiant smile, her eyes shining with a newfound resolve. "I may be just a pawn, but even a pawn can bring down a Queen and her dog. And mark my words, Daemon, your reign of terror will come to an end."


"Your Grace, I apologise for the intrusion, but it's an urgent matter," said one of Maekar's informants, one of Daemon's Gold Cloaks, bursting into the full council room. Maekar's mind was cast to years prior when it was Alicent had told him of finding informants in his enemies ranks. Dread filled the mind of Maekar, fearing the worst. He was yet to receive word from the Martell's of his family's arrival in Sunspear.

"Speak it quickly, we have a war to plan," he said, eyes flickering with premature rage.

"Your Grace, this is a sensitive subject. Perhaps we had best speak alone."

"Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of my councillors."

"Very well," the young informant gulped, his eyes flickering with fear. "Prince Daemon led an attack with his Gold Cloaks and his dragon to capture of the Queen and your family two weeks prior. Regrettably, we have been informed that all have been killed, on Daemon's orders, in addition to Lord Stark's daughter Evelyn."

Despair filled the heart of Maekar, no longer present in the world around him. Even the mourning cries of Lord Stark's two boys were muffled in the grieving monarch's ears. He stood and turned to the window, his back facing his council.

Maekar's mind cast to the Maegi with whom he dealt with years ago. A decade had passed since their meeting, and yet the stain he once thought was a spell  had turned out to be nothing more than a cruel curse. His naivety had betrayed him all those years ago, and now he sees the price of his ambition firsthand.

Rage consumed the King at the thought of his own actions being the cause of his greatest sorrow, and the feeling he harboured needed to be directed somewhere other than internally.

The informant barely had the time to process what had happened, as the pain set in, his eyes flickering with fear as he looked upon the vengeful King, who held his torn-out bloody tongue in his hand.

Maekar stares at the tongue held in his hand, as a flicker of sorrow casts upon his face. Contemplating all his thoughts, however, was too painful a task at this vulnerable time. That sorrow dissipated as quickly as it had arrived, replaced with a vengeful hatred as Maekar smashed the informant's head against his own tongue. As the informant fell to the ground, Maekar unleashed decades of mistakes and its associated feelings upon this poor man, kicking and breaking every bone in the man's body.

"FATHER, STOP!" Cried out Rhaegar and Baelon at different intervals, but their pleas fell upon deaf ears, as the informant's body laid in a crumpled mess upon the floor of the chamber.

The council, bar the young Princes, had not moved during this incident, each one shell-shocked at the brutality of the murder occurring before their eyes. All were terrified, and yet none of them could look away... save for Lord Stark, whose mind was occupied by the thoughts of his dearly departed daughter.

Finally, the words of his sons entered the King's ears. Maekar ceased his assault, to spare his sons anymore grief than they had already endured. The body of the informant lay cold and broke on the floor of the council chamber.

"Ser Criston," called Maekar, finding his composure, "take this mans body, and have it hung from the walls of King's Landing. Let this man's body be a warning to all who would rise against us. Leave us, leave myself, my Hand and my sons. Now."

The councillors made haste in their exit, each one carefully averting their eyes from the corpse that lay beside them.

Maeker turned to his sons and father-in-law, and the grief consumed him. He silently promised himself revenge for his family... even if it caused the fall of the House of Targaryen.

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