Chapter 10

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Just a small, insignificant note for this chapter for better illustration: In Japan, traffic drives on the left, which is why the steering wheel is on the right-hand side. But anyone who paid attention in AiB already knows that anyway xD


"I'll go and see what's going on down there in a minute," Chishiya told me after our breakfast together. I had to admit that I hadn't had the courage to look out of the window to take a closer look at the bloody massacre on our doorstep since the incident the day before. "It will probably be necessary to clear a few bodies out of the way. It won't be long before they start to decompose. I'd hate to have that stench right outside the door."

"Can you even manage it on your own?" I asked with a scrutinizing glance at his injured arm.

He smiled slightly.

"Probably not."

I sighed heavily at the thought.

"Okay, I'll come with you. At least I'm feeling a little better today."

Chishiya got up from the table and cleared away our dishes while I followed suit.

"I'll go ahead and see where the King of Spades is hanging out. If everything is all right, I'll let you know," he informed me.

I nodded and watched as he took his weapon out of the bedside table again and left the apartment shortly afterwards.

He came back a few minutes later and gave the go-ahead. Then we went downstairs together.

Chishiya had been right about the smell. I could smell the bodies even before I saw them. When I took a closer look, I felt the nausea rise up inside me. Right in front of the door was a dark blue station wagon with smashed windows and a man sitting in it with his head on the steering wheel. Apparently he had been shot directly in the back of the head.

There were countless other bodies lying in the street, some of them covered in blood. I hesitantly ran after Chishiya, who was carefully scanning the area.

Suddenly I froze as a severed arm lay right in front of my feet. I turned away in disgust and was about to spill the contents of my stomach on the asphalt, but managed to control myself just in time.

"There's a lot of work ahead of us." Chishiya handed me a shovel he had found in the basement of the house. "Start digging a pit over there! I'll collect the bodies in the meantime."

He put on a pair of disposable gloves and set to work.

I groaned. Could it actually get any worse? Disposing of bodies in the morning. This was exactly what I had always dreamed of.

I walked over to the meadow and looked for a soft spot in the ground. When I found a suitable one, I started digging. After a short time, I was completely exhausted and sweat was running down my forehead. And don't even get me started on the calluses on my hands.

Exhausted, I dropped into the grass next to it to rest for a moment. When Chishiya arrived with the first bodies, he gave me a stern look.

"That won't be nearly enough. The pit needs to get a lot deeper."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, it does. Give me a break. I'm already totally out of breath."

"It's time you got some stamina back, otherwise you'll hardly make it through the next few games alive."

Upset, I picked myself up and grabbed the shovel again. Then I continued digging, a little disgruntled.

It felt like an eternity before Chishiya had collected all the bodies. When the pit finally met his requirements, we threw them in together, which was the worst part of the whole operation for me. Finally, I shoveled the hole back in. After that, I was at the end of my tether.

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