I found Chimney first, he seemed to have the least amount of injuries. He had a cut on his head and some lacerations on his arms. "Chim!" I rushed to his side. "Chimney! Are you okay? What happened?" I held his hand. "Fire." He said weakly. "Biggest one ever."
I panicked. "What happened to Eddie and Buck? Are they okay?" I asked Chimney searching his eyes for answers. He just stared at me. "I lost them in the explosion. I don't know where any of the station went." I laid my head down.
Maddie approached us. "Hey, I came as soon as I heard." I lifted my head and hugged Maddie. "I haven't found Buck." I teared up. Maddie sat in her thoughts and looked at Chimney. "I'll stay here with Chim. Go find my brother." I nodded and searched the ER.
I found Eddie in worse condition. Wiping my tears I rushed to him, "Eddie?!" I held his hand. "Can you hear me? Eddie." I said desperately. He had ash covering his face and lacerations covering his body. His eyes were closed and he just looked like he was in pain.
"Eddie?" He opened his eyes and smiled faintly. "Eddie! Wheres Buck? Have you seen Buck?"
Nurses came rushing over, "Ma'am we have to get him to surgery now." I held his hand the whole way as they rushed Eddie into the OR.
"Y/N?!" I heard a voice yell. "Captain!" I said hugging him. "What happened! I can't find Buck? Is he okay." Bobby sat me down in a chair.
"He's in the ICU, his condition is bad Y/N." I sobbed, "What happened out there Bobby?"
He explained that there had been a major gas leak in the house causing a fire. Then the neighbors house was also leaking gas which caught ahold of the fire causing the giant explosion.
"It separated us all. It destroyed the rig. The only person I found was Hen." I took a deep breath in. "And Buck? How did you find him." I started shaking, "Apparently that son of a gun has me as his emergency contact."
"That's Buck for you." I said looking into his eyes. "I just hope he pulls through." Bobby said. "I can't imagine losing him." He added. "How bad is it?" Bobby looked down, "It's bad."
I stood up, "I wanna see him." I said firmly. "Y/N," Bobby grabbed my arm, "It'll crush you to see him like that." I slipped from his grip, "I've delivered stillborn babies, I've seen husbands crying over their dead wives, I was an ER nurse for crying out loud, so I am immune to things crushing me Captain."
I walked into the ICU and found Buck's room, I took a deep breath in and walked in. He was lying there, his face pale against the stark white sheets, a maze of tubes and wires connecting him to monitors and IV bags.
I grabbed his hand. "Buck," I whispered, my voice choked. For a moment, there was no response, and I feared the worst. But then, Buck's eyelids fluttered open, "Y/N?," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "Hey, there's my favorite fireman." I whispered.
"I'm sorry." He said. "I was just trying to save that family." He coughed. Tears filled my eyes as I shook my head stroking his head. "Don't apologize, Buck. You were doing your job." Buck managed a weak smile, his fingers tightening around my hand. "You know me, always the stubborn one."
I chuckled softly, "That you are, Buck. But you're also one of the bravest people I know."As I sat by Buck's bedside, I could see him growing
stronger and stronger.I would go see him in between shifts and after shifts. Hours stretched into days. Until, Buck was finally released and able to go home.
I helped him get home, I drove him in my car and sat with him at night to make sure he was okay. While I was at work I would call him to tell him all about all the sweet babies I delivered that day.
Until, I lost one. After I helped the mother and gave my condolences, I ran to the storage closet and called Buck. I sobbed into the phone desperate for an answer. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Buck's voice rang through the phone with excitement.
"Buck," my voice broke on the first syllable, and I took a deep breath. "I... I lost a baby, Buck. I tried everything, but..." My voice trailed off as tears fell and I choked on my words, "I couldn't save her." I sobbed.
There was a long pause on the other end of the line, I could feel what he was trying to say. When he spoke again, his voice was filled with a mixture of sadness and understanding. "I'm so sorry, Y/N," Buck said softly.
"She was seven pounds and six ounces." I cried, "And the parents...they were going to name her Elizabeth...Lizzie, for short." I just let my words pour out
"I understand that feeling and I hate that you have to go through that. But I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
"I'm such a failure Buck. I could've saved her if I tried hard enough." He quickly interrupted me. "Stop that." He said.
"You are an amazing doctor, Y/N. You did what you could, you did your job and that's all that matters."
"But those parents still have to leave this hospital without their baby!" I sobbed. "Y/N, I don't want to sit here and argue with you. You are an amazing doctor and an amazing person. You tried and things went south, things you couldn't control. Don't ever blame yourself, okay."
"Thank you, Buck," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the sound of my tears. "Thank you for being here for me." I heard him sigh on the other line. "I will always be in your corner."
He stayed on the phone for a few more minutes, talking while I cried. "Listen, how about you finish out your shift strong and then you can come over for dinner?" Buck blurted.
"Really Buck? I don't wanna intrude." He laughed. "Intrude? I would love to sit and eat with you. We can get ice cream and watch a movie. You know girl things." He laughed.
I chuckled and wiped my tears. "Thank you Buck, I will see you after my shift."
"I'll see you." He said into the phone.

Against All Odds (E.Buckley x Female Reader)
FanfictionDr. Y/N Y/L/N, a dedicated obstetrician has always found solace in the steadfast friendship of Evan Buckley, a brave firefighter at Station 118. Their bond, forged in the fires of their demanding careers, is put to the ultimate test as they face a s...