Chapter 4 | 'IronKid'

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After that, everyone separated.

You went to your room after grabbing some chips.

You sat eating on your couch watching some show on TV. You weren't really paying attention; your mind was racing, The Sokovia Accords, your Dad, Natasha, Steve, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Rhodey, The Avengers.

You were too consumed in your own thoughts to hear your door being knocked or to notice that your Father walked in. You only acknowledged his presence when he tapped you on the shoulder.

You turned quickly and then relaxed when you saw him. He came around and sat on a chair across from your couch.

"Hey, Dad." You said.

"Hey, kiddo," he spoke softly, "you know how I said that once you're old enough to become an actual Avenger, I'd give you your own suit?"

You nodded slowly, the anticipation building inside of you by the second.

"Well, uh, i think we're gonna push that date up a bit." He finished.

"Wha-what?" You didn't know what to say, you were absolutely star-struck. I mean, you were becoming an Avenger.

"Yeah, well, I think you've done enough training, and, you're suit's ready, I mean, it has been since you were a kid. And, ya know, I want you on my team, Y/N."

Your Father, was making you an Avenger, AND wanted you on his team!

"Oh my god! Of course! Of course! Oh my god, Dad! I'm so happy!" You ran over and gave him a hug.

He pulled back, "yeah, y'know I'm not big on hugs, kiddo." You pulled back too, "come on, come down to the garage, we'll get you set up!"


You walked into his garage and followed him to the area where he kept his suits, the garage was lit brightly with white LED lights scattering the ceiling.

Different computer screens and tech gadgets littered the walls and tables, this room was probably worth a million bucks.

But, it was neat, you knew your Dad liked everything that way.

"Okay, FRIDAY, deploy 'IronKid' Mark 1."

"Right away, sir." You heard FRIDAY say.

One of the wall panels opened to reveal 5 'IronKid' suits. The one furthest towards the left stepped out and opened up.

"Here ya go, kid." Tony spoke.

"No. Freaking. Way." You breathed out, in complete and utter shock.

"Mmhm," your Father said as he nodded, "all 5 are for you, the other 4 are backups incase you get into a mess or, y'know, break one or something."

He pulled out some blueberries from his pocket and started eating them.

You slowly walked up to Mark 1 and started touching it, carefully.

"But you will have to pay for it if you do, so try not to, yeah?" your Dad said, between chews.

You laughed at his joke. You loved your Dad for many reasons but his humour was by far your favourite.

"So, you wanna try her on? Test her out a bit?" Tony asked, walking up behind you and offering you the bag of blueberries.

"Is that even a question?" You turned and grinned at him, stealing a handful of blueberries.


So that's it for Chapter 4! I know it's really short I do apologise but it's a very important chapter for the story line!

If you haven't already, I would recommend going and following my TikTok because I post a lot of content about my FanFics, like teasers and stuff!

My name on there is the same as on here and so is the profile picture so it should be easy to find!

My name on there is the same as on here and so is the profile picture so it should be easy to find!

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There's my profile for anyone who wanted to follow but was struggling to find it! 🫶🏼

Anyways, getting back on track, I apologise for the fact that I haven't posted a chapter in 2 days but I was planning the rest of the story so now I should be able to put out one per day again, but don't hold me to that lol! 🫶🏼

Please make sure to Vote it helps me out so much and keeps me motivated to keep writing and so does commenting!

I hope you have a great day/night whenever you're reading this, loves! 🫶🏼

~Fluffy 🫶🏼

(Word count: 695)

Are we too young for this? | A Y/N Stark x Bucky Barnes FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now