Chapter 2

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Life in the Indestructible City was harsh, but oh, so much more merciful than what lays out of the city gates. That is what Noble has learned. As a knight, he went into the frey, not exactly a dragon slayer, his job is more about rescuing people caught in the middle of dragon fights, recently, for a reason unknown to most, the dragons have began to fight more often, leading to more people getting caught in the frey.

Noble rides his horse alongside four other men to where a family of sheppards were caught up in such a battle, dragons flied over head, pale yellow scales clashing with white, blood rained across the fields. Noble spots a cave and two faces and turns his towards the cave. The other men followed him.
As they made their way to the cave, an artic dragon dropped down onto the ground, and Noble barely managed to stop his horse in time.

A desert dragon with particularly nasty scars flies down to fight the artic dragon. Noble jumps off his horse, a good choice, the horse gets caught between the dragons scuffle, the desert dragon tried to stab into the article dragons throat with its barbed tail, but the ice dragons catches it. The horse is mangled between these two hulking giants. Each claw, scratch, and bite serves that missed only to mutilate the horse further.
Noble is able to run past the brutish beasts as they try and kill each other.

Noble slides into the caves, and he finds two children and a mother. Noble reached out and said. "Hey, I'm here to help. Where's your father?" The mother answered. "He tried to get the cattle back home, but he got trampled over, and his leg broken!" Noble stepped outside of the cave. The great ice dragons were on the ground, one of its wings were injured, all the while the desert dragon was in the air again, for a split second it turned to Noble's men and let's out a beam of blazing fire, one of his men and horse was caught in the inferno, their flesh was blown off like a leaf in the wind. A black charred skeleton remained standing for a split second before completely being disintegrated into ash.

Noble's mouth hung open. He had heard the destructive power of dragons' breath, but he could never believe how destructive these beasts truly were.

The Arctic dragon tried to fire its icey breath, but the desert dragon jetted its stinger into the Arctic Dragons throat. The resulting blood hit another one of his men, as the cold blue blood hits the man's face, he falls off his horse, his skin becoming a sickly dark blue. The man screaming in pain, icy crystals forming on him. Only two of Noble's men returned, one carrying the deaf farmer.

The scarred desert dragon charges up its breath of fire again, burning the ice dragon's corpse and the surrounding forest. The battle raged on between ice and fire. The forest began to burn and freeze, though the fire was definitely making headway. Smoke sinked into the cave, Noble and his men began coughing, choking on the smoke and ashes. The children cried into their mothers chest. The mother said to her children. "We'll be where your father is soon! Little longer! Little longer! We'll be with Father soon!"

That, the coughing of him and his men and the roar of the desert dragon outside was the last things Noble heard before a fainted to black, and everything was for not.

Wings of Fire: Cipherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें