Chapter - 1 The Introduction

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Coolbeanio thought that he was a pretty normal person.

Sure, he had an unusual obsession with honey, but that's normal.


He had the brains of a hundred Albert Einsteins, and could make awesome gadgets.

He lived on the shore of Kutask, an island country located deep in the Pacific Ocean, in the prestigious  Beacon City.

Beacon City was the economical heart of Kutask and the home to overly expensive houses.

He co owned a 2 bedroom house with his best friend, Pilot.
It was cosy, but they didn't mind.

Coolbeanio and Pilot weren't employed and instead had their own business in which they sold cool gadgets and accessories.

It was named...

(Insert Drum Roll)

Gadgets and Stuff


anot wasn't the best name, but it was the best the duo could think of.

They sold stuff like shoes which can  make you walk on surfaces, a fridge which literally runs, and more.

They made good money out of it, and were happy with their income.

End of chapter


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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