Chapter 10: Smoke and Flames

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The relentless blizzard seemed to stretch on forever, a white curtain obscuring the world beyond the frosted carriage windows. Inside, a fragile sense of unease settled amongst the occupants. Ollie, her initial fear replaced by a gnawing worry, clutched the remnants of her teacup, her gaze fixed on the swirling snow.

Kafka, ever restless, tapped her fingers impatiently against the plush seat. "How much longer, Arlecchino?" she finally asked, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Arlecchino, her icy gaze fixed on some unseen point ahead, remained silent for a moment. Finally, a barely perceptible nod was her only response.

A jolt ran through the carriage, followed by the rhythmic creak of wheels coming to a stop.

"We're here," Arlecchino announced, her voice flat and emotionless.

Relief washed over Ollie momentarily, but a knot of confusion tightened in her stomach. They were supposed to drop her off here, at this small settlement – a safe haven she barely knew.

With trembling hands, she pushed open the carriage door, expecting a bustling marketplace or friendly faces. Instead, a gasp escaped her lips. The scene that greeted her was one of utter devastation. Where once stood a cluster of quaint houses, now lay only smoldering ruins, the acrid scent of burning wood stinging her nostrils.

"No..." Ollie whispered, her voice barely audible as she stumbled out of the carriage, her legs weak with shock. "What... what happened?"

This wasn't supposed to be her destination. The settlement, a supposed neutral ground, was reduced to ashes. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in her stomach. This wasn't part of the plan.

Kafka, her playful demeanor replaced by a frown, surveyed the wreckage. "Looks like our little drop-off point has gone up in smoke," she muttered, her voice devoid of its usual amusement.

Arlecchino stepped out of the carriage, her expression unreadable. But a hint of something akin to surprise flickered in her eyes.

Ollie, her voice thick with despair and confusion, turned towards them, her blue eyes wide. "What... what do we do now? Where was I supposed to go?"

A tense silence followed, broken only by the crackling of the smoldering ruins. Kafka, ever the pragmatist, shrugged. "Looks like you're stuck with us for a while, little one."

But it was Arlecchino's response that surprised them both.

"We can't leave her here," the Harbinger said, her voice surprisingly gentle. "She'll come with us to the border."

A flicker of defiance sparked in Ollie's tear-filled eyes. "But what about Elaine? This... this was supposed to be our meeting place!" Her voice cracked, the weight of her situation threatening to overwhelm her.

Kafka raised an eyebrow, a spark of amusement battling with a flicker of concern in her electric blue gaze. "Meeting place, huh? Weren't you running away from home, Ollie? Not exactly a rendezvous point for a family reunion."

A BLIZZARD OF SPARKS (Kafka X Arlecchino X La Signora)Where stories live. Discover now