He slowed himself down, the adrenalin still pumping through his veins. He didn't hear anything else. He waited. His breathing slowing down as his heart slammed lesser against his ribs.

There was silence. Not a sound! He couldn't hear clothing rippling. He didn't hear feet stomping. He didn't hear applause, or cries of delight. For that matter he didn't hear the boos of hatred either. He stood, dripping sweat onto the ice, listening to the song of silence being sung around him.

Then, arms grabbed him. The golden skates appeared in his vision. Viktor was there. Viktor was lifting him up. Viktor's lips were warm on his. He kissed Yuri with a passion, only Viktor could muster. The tall, toned skater swirled them around.

"You did it, Yuri! You did it all!" Viktor cried in Yuri's ear.

Yuri clung to the thin, black shirt the skater wore. He buried his head into the sweat smelling shoulder. Holding on to Viktor as if the skater was his only line for life. He whispered.

"Did he like it?"

"Posh! Yakov will let you...." But Yuri was shaking his head. He wiped the sweat from his brow on to Viktor's shirt.

"No!" He cried in Viktor's ear.

The silver haired man drew back. He wiped a thumb under Yuri's eye to catch the tear. Yuri closed his eyes, allowing the comfort of, the man in his arms, to wash over him. The smell of Viktor calmed him.

"No, not Yakov." Yuri said in a more normal tone.

"Your grandfather, did he like it?" Yuri asked.

When no, immediate, response came, Yuri lifted his head. Viktor was smiling at him. His icy blew eyes sparkling in the light, flashed up from the ice. Viktor smiled deeply. He leaned down to kiss Yuri's nose.

"I never saw him more engrossed in anything." Viktor stated.

"Of course." He waved a hand about, managing to toss his hair a little. Yuri smiled.

"I have never seen how he saw one of my live performances." Viktor added. His grin widened, if that was even possible, hearing the little giggle Yuri let out.

"I'm sure I was nothing like you!" Yuri smiled, happy it was just the two of them.

Suddenly, it wasn't. Yuri felt a kick to his backside. He was thrust into Viktor's tight embrace. The skater was quick, strong on his feet, he caught Yuri. They only slid half a foot back, before Viktor was able to stabilize them. But that didn't stop Yurio's rant.

"You fat little piggy! You said you were washed up! Done with skating! You stupid idiot! How can you quit when you can still do that!" Yurio waved about the rink in his anger.

"I will beat you! You will skate again! We will go to the gran prix and see which one of us deserves to keep our name! You will be Yurio! I will win! I will get better than both of you! Stupid fat piggy!" Yurio continually to rant, even after Otabek, who was in town for a few days, began to drag him away.

"That was really amazing Yuri. Glad you kept up your training." He smiled.

"I know, I would love to compete against you, one day!" He added, half throwing, half shoving, Yurio to the practice ice.

Yakov was walking out to them. Hands behind his back. When Yuri saw the coach, he pushed away from Viktor. Skating forward, it looked like he was going to meet the coach, so the older man didn't have to walk as far. Instead, Yuri skated past the man. His skates clomped on the boards, as he left the ice. He moved to Viktor's grandfather. Pulling the warm woolen blanket back up over the thin, bony shoulder.

"You were amazing." The rough, gnarled hand patted his own.

Those dark eyes were starring into Yuri's soul. Burning themselves into his heart. The older man smiled.

"He did it, My Vicky." The old man nodded.

"Did what?" Yuri asked.

The old man chuckled. "Found what he was looking for. It was the only rea..." The man began to cough.

His nurse was there to assist him. After some water, a few deep breaths, he looked back at Yuri.

"I was always going to give him money. It didn't matter what I told him, or her..." The old man rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted Viktor to see it!" The man smiled.

"See what?" Yuri pressed.

He had to wait for the old man's coughing fit to end, once more. The nurse tsked.

"Sir, you need to rest!" The nurse insisted.

The old man tossed the nurses hand off of him. "I will rest soon enough! When I'm dead!" The old man insisted.

He took both Yuri's hand, and Viktor's as the skater had reached them by this point. He held them together, Viktor's on top of Yuri's, between his old wrinkled hands. He smiled at his grandson.

"I wished for him to know, that no matter how one is born, they deserve love." The old man stated.

"Mr. NI..." Yuri was cut off with a wave of the man's hand.

"Son, call me Vincent." The man said. Then shook his head.

"Or better yet, call me grandpa! I will live to see you two get married! My last wedding! On my estate!" He declared.

"But sir!" Yuri cried, eyes bulging out of his head.

Vincent laughed, which turned into him doubled over, coughing harder this time. Yuri knelt before him. He held the glass of water, allowing the older man to sip at it.

"Thank you." Vincent offered.

"You are a wily one, Vincent!" Yuri insisted.

"Throw away whatever contract you two sighed. I can see the truth before me, even if neither of you wish to admit it! You will be wedded..."

"No." Yuri whispered.

"What?" Both Viktor and Vincent cried together.

"I will not marry, anyone on your estate, sir." Yuri stated. He stood tall before the bent man.

"My family owns a hot springs spa in Japan. I grew up there. It has always, and will remain, the only place I take a spouse. With the Cherry trees in full bloom, of course. So, you're going to have to live a few more months." Yuri declared.

The old man looked up at him. He snickered. It rattled his chest, but he didn't cough again.

"You are something else, Yuri Katsuki!" He decided.

"If I recall, they bloom in Spring? Isn't that nearly a year away?" The man arched a brow.

"Guess you're going to have to hang in there, now aren't you?" Yuri smiled.

"I guess so! Dimitri!" He cried. The nurse was back at his side, not that he had gone far.

"Find this boy's spa! Book it all for the second week in April. Yakov!" He called to the coach.

The older man walked up to the boards. "I wish to sponsor Yuri Katsuki. Find him the right coach." He demanded.

"You never sponsored me!" Viktor cried. The old man was being wheeled away. He turned back.

"Because, you never needed it, Bhyk." The old man smiled and winked at the two lovers.

"You might want to start planning your proposal, Mishaka." The old man laughed as he was pushed out.

Viktor and Yuri looked at each other. "I will see you in my office, once you change!" Yakov insisted. He had waited for Yuri to do the performance a the end of practice. Yuri nodded, still feeling stunned.

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