[14] Three Lives Gone

Start from the beginning

"We can name our two boys whatever you want." Hajime wrapped a protective arm around his wife, praying that he would be able to protect her and his two precious sons from everything.

When we got out of the hospital, we only allowed an extremely small number of visitors into the house and they all had to be careful around the boys as they were not aware of germs. Fei was due for her daughter Aiko at any day and I often had her over to learn how to take care of a child.

Months passed and the boys began to take their first steps and I was especially pleased when they started talking. Ryomen's first word was Dada, Yuji's first word was Oma. Hajime and I were exceedingly proud of them and would often brag to our friends about them.

Hajime was more than happy to introduce the boys to baseball, sitting them down in front of the telly at 1800 each night after dinner to show them his favorite team. The boys grew fast and eventually Hajime was able to take them to the park for longer periods of time. I sat with Fei, who was watching her daughter and Suguru who was also playing baseball with my boys. The boys were four years old now, Aiko was almost four.

I started going back to work once the boys were able to go to preschool and kindergarten, Hajime's  contract with the US Navy over. He often told me how Gojo Satoru, one of the heads for a weapons company, was going to transfer leadership to his sister Himari. I hadn't thought about the two of them for so long but I was happy they were doing well.

"Hajime?" I opened the door one stormy night, expecting him to be at my side but he wasn't. Instead, he was sleeping on the soft plush carpet in the boys' room, holding them close. I smiled at the sweet little faces and Hajime woke up.


I laid down next to Hajime. "It's Saturday, don't worry."

He mumbled something and moved over so I could lay on the opposite side. "I want another."

I looked at his sleepy expression. "Me too."

We held hands, kissing our boys and falling back asleep. A few romantic weekends out of the house helped us out, especially when I started experiencing morning sickness.

"I'm pregnant again." I handed Hajime the test, the boys asleep in their beds.

"Oh my god..." he spun me around and kissed me. "That's wonderful!"

However, our moment was interrupted by a phone call. Giving Hajime an apologetic look, I answered. Fei asked to be picked up from the airport since her and Suguru weren't on the best of terms at that moment and she wanted him to be home with Aiko.

"I'll be back in less than an hour," Hajime told me. "Honey, I will text you when I get to and from the airport, okay? Don't worry about my so much."

"I don't know," I looked down at Yuji and Ryomen who were fast asleep. "I have a bad feeling. Perhaps we should call a cab instead."

"No, we promised Fei that one of us would pick her up. Go rest up. I promise I'll be back by the time they wake up. Suguru is already on his way here right now with the surprise welcome-home things. I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Hajime." I held him. "Oh wait, call Kento. He should be waking up right now anyways. You two should come over, especially if Suguru is already on his way."

"I will, and I will also absolutely make sure I get home safe, okay? I'll see you soon, my love."

WARNING: detailed murder, car accident, gore, suicide attempts.

Sukuna Hajime POV

I waved goodbye to my wife as she waited by the steps as I backed out of the driveway. Kento was already ready by the time I pulled up to his house.

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