Chapter 3

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A week after the fateful meet-up on the rooftop, Izuku found Dabi on his doorstep. The shorter man didn't even flinch, just turned and walked back to his couch, leaving the door open. "Why did you even bother to knock?" he asked taking a seat. 

He hadn't seen Dabi too much since the attack on the summer camp seven years ago. Every once in a while he would pop up and then disappear. They never had any conflicts with each other, so Izuku let him live. 

"You're a housewife now?" The heavily pierced man asked, taking a step into the apartment and shutting the door behind him, his eyes traveling around the house. 

"You're a comedian now?" Izuku shot back, leveling with a calculating glare. There were a few different reasons he suspected the other villain had for showing up, but he wasn't sure yet. He had to proceed with caution. 

Dabi crossed his arms, staring down at Izuku from where he stood in the middle of his living room. "Errand boy, actually." 

Izuku rolled his eyes, leaning back into his couch. "Shigaraki or Chisaki?" 

"Both, technically." 

"What'd they want?" Izuku pressed, growing more and more annoyed with him. 

"A meeting," Dabi finally explained, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "To discuss hard territory lines." 

Izuku cackled at the suggestion, slapping the back of the couch with his hand. "You can tell them to take their territory lines and shove them up their asses." He took a breath, trying to sober himself from his laughter. 

"I can not state this clearly enough," Dabi said in a slow and clear voice. "I'm just the messenger." 

Izuku raised a brow, prodding him to go on. 

"They figured you say that, which is why took precautions. I don't know who Aya Sero is, but they're throwing her name around quite a lot," Dabi said with a shrug, his eyes never leaving Izuku. It was the look of prey, readying themselves to bolt at the slightest sign of a predator. Izuku thought it made him look pathetic. 

Izuku's head tilted to the side as he appraised the man standing before him. "Pretty ballsy to walk in here and start making threats." 

Dabi held his hands in front of him as if Izuku was a wild animal that would pounce any second. "I'm not threatening shit. I'm being paid to be the go-between, that's all." 

"Calm down," Izuku waved his hand dismissively, "I'm not going to kill you." 

Dabi's hands slowly fell back to his side. He stayed quiet, waiting for Izuku to speak once more. 

"I'll go to their meeting, but you're not going to say a word about my initial rejection of it or you're dead. You have to know by now that I'm the one person you can't run from," Izuku tutted, condescension oozy from his voice. 

"You know I don't do anything for free," Dabi reminded him, standing a little taller. 

Izuku's jaw ticked in agitation. "And you know I don't make empty threats." 

The taller man scowled down at him. "Tomorrow at three, the old compound." The words were clipped as he turned on his heel and briskly fled the apartment. 

Izuku sagged into the couch after he was gone. He didn't know what Shigaraki and Chisaki were up to, but it had to be good if they were willing to make threats. The sinking feeling of dread was clawing at Izuku's chest, fighting its way in. 

He knew of only one way to rid himself of the feeling, so he waited for dark and headed off into the night. 

It didn't take long to reach the old house, warm light flooding through the windows on the first floor. It was only ten, but Izuku was hoping it was late enough for the youngest Sero to be asleep as he knocked on the front door. 

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