Chapter 2

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Izuku kicked a rock in agitation as he neared his current home, a word he didn't use often. He'd had plenty of houses, condos, and mansions throughout his life, but they were never home. Home was the house his mother raised him in. Home was the house Aya Sero still resided in, where some of his fondest memories were made. Home was the run-down, two-story apartment complex he stood in front of. 

He'd bought it a few months back and, with the help of Toga, was able to make it functional again. They had marketed it as low-income housing, but everyone on this side of Musutafu knew what it really was. 

Few knew who the true owner of the building was, the only form of management was a sweet elderly woman named Maka. If you wanted to rent an apartment, you'd speak with her. There was no application process, just meeting with her for tea. If you were accepted, your rent was paid by your silence, and a handful of chores around the building. 

Toga had been the one to first suggest the idea after she found out just how much money Izuku was sitting on. The two of them found the perfect building in the perfect part of town. With Izuku's security, there was no safer place for the innocent who were just scraping by and no monetary fee for them to pay. 

Izuku and Toga shared a two-bedroom apartment on the second floor, tucked back in a corner. There were a handful of residents who knew of their true identities, nothing stayed hidden long in their line of work, but they always turned a blind eye. They respected Izuku and the help he was giving their families, so there were never any problems. 

When Izuku entered, Maka was in her rocking chair, knitting another sweater. Her favorite pastime was knitting sweaters for the kids who lived in the apartments. The woman lived in the first apartment on the floor, the door opening right next to the front desk. Most days you would find it open, Maka either flittering through the lobby or cooking in her own kitchen. She was never far from her post and that was how she liked it. 

"Evening, Maka," Izuku greeted with a small smile and a nod towards the elderly woman. 

She smiled so wide that the corners of her eyes crinkled. "Izuku dear, how've you been?" Her knitting didn't slow or halt as she looked up at him. Izuku had always been amazed by her skill, suspecting that it had something to do with whatever quirk she possessed. 

"I've been good, you?" he replied quickly as he made his way through the small lobby. 

"Same old, same old. Did you get the request from 4A? About the sink?" she asked him, her eyes turning back to the sweater in her hands. 

He chuckled at the question. Maka was the biggest advocate for the residents, helping them find jobs, affordable daycare, and better housing. If anyone had a problem, they went to Maka, and she went straight to Izuku. "Toga already took care of it." 

"Lovely," she said with a pleased smile, her focus shifting to the task in front of her. 

"Have a good night, Maka," Izuku called as he turned down the hall of the building. 

"You too, dear!" 

Izuku climbed the stairs quickly, letting out a huff as he reached the second floor and started for his door. It wasn't locked, seeing as it didn't have one, so he just walked straight in. 

"Hope you're hungry, Maka brought us lasagna," Toga called as soon as the door opened. 

Izuku hummed a response but didn't think she'd heard it anyway. He tiredly slipped off his shoes and padded towards the kitchen. His blonde best friend took one look and stopped her movements. 

"What's wrong?" she asked, setting the pan of pasta on the table and taking a step towards him, her mouth downturned into a frown. 

He shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, looking down at his socks. "Saw Hanta today." 

Toga took a deep breath. She was used to this. Every few months Izuku would have a moment of weakness and drop everything to go see the pro, even if it was just from the shadows. "I guess it's an ice cream kind of night." 

"I..." Izuku looked up at her, feeling like should be crying, but he'd forgotten how to over the years. "I talked to him," he admitted, his voice cracking. 

"Oh," Toga breathed, her eyes widening a fraction. "It's definitely an ice cream kind of night." she turned on her heel, heading for the freezer. 

"You said you had bad news," Izuku said, taking a seat at the table. He had told her everything he wanted to about the night. The details would have to wait. 

"You sure? It can wait until tomorrow-" He cut her off with a single shake of his head. She sighed, grabbing the tub of chocolate ice cream and sitting beside him, two spoons already on the table. "It's the League." 

"What now?" Izuku asked, digging his spoon into the frozen desert. His irritation was clear as day from the bite in his voice. 

"They've teamed up with Chisaki," she stated, taking her own spoonful. 

Izuku's sudden laugh almost made him snort ice cream from his nose. Toga giggled at his reaction, handing him a napkin. "Well, that's just great," he said after making sure all the ice cream was off his face. "Probably met at a support group for people who've been personally victimized by yours truly." 

"I just keep picturing Shiggy and Chisaki doing face masks and bitching about how much they hate you," Toga admitted, covering her mouth with her hand to avoid spitting out any ice cream from her laughter. 

"That's just fucking perfect," Izuku said with a shake of his head. "Those two really deserve each other." 

"Izuku," Toga said in a much softer voice, causing the atmosphere in the kitchen to shift. "You know they're gonna come after you, right?" 

Izuku rolled his eyes, stabbing his spoon back into the ice cream. "Let them. I warned both of those motherfuckers to never enter my sight again, they're dead men walking if they so much as think about it." 

"So you're not worried?" she asked, sounding relieved to hear it. Over the years they'd been together, she'd learned that if Izuku wasn't bothered by something, neither should she. 

He swallowed his ice cream as he winked at her. "I'm the most powerful man in Japan, poodle. What's there to worry about?" 

I feel the need to clarify that Izuku and Toga are just queer best friends. This is what a queer friendship looks like, and if you disagree you're straight. There will be a lot of physical affection between the two because they are literally trauma bonded, I don't want to hear whining in the comments about her ruining the ship. They are literally just besties. 

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