Jack Rose is not the real son of Night Swan

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Note: This idea is not originally mine, it is from a different fanfiction so yeah. Also, this is different from the official timeline as we don't know if this is true so please don't come at me for it "not fitting the timeline".

The Bride & Rasputin had loved each other since meeting at the party after Rasputin showed off his moves to her and she had been impressed.

They had gone on some dates and sometimes with other coaches and on their 5th anniversary Rasputin proposed to The Bride and she said yes.

They soon moved in together after the wedding. They were very happy now that they wanted to start their own family.

They had tried multiple times but so far they had no luck.

1 day Rasputin was hanging out on the couch of their house when he heard a scream upstairs to the bathroom where he saw The Bride jumping up and down.

Rasputin: My love is everything okay why did you scream?

The Bride looked over at Rasputin with pure joy.

The Bride: I'm way better than okay. Look!

She shows Raspution a positive pregnancy test. Rasputin gets a smile on his face and hugs The Bride with happiness that soon their dream will come true.

A few days later. The Bride & Rasputin were on the couch trying to think of names for their baby.

Rasputin: How about Arkady or Artem or Ivan or Bohdan or Daniela? They Are all good ones.

The Bride: No they don't seem right.

Rasputin looked at The Bride.

Rasputin: You haven't liked any of the names neither girl or boy.

The Bride: Well none of them seem right. I want something special for our child.

Rasputin: Like what?

The Bride: I want it to have the middle name of Rose but I'm not sure what else I want.

Rasputin: hmm.. How about Jake if it's a boy or Jacobina if it's a girl?

The Bride looked over at Rasputin.

The Bride: Yes!

Later on...

Rasputin was waiting in the hospital waiting room hoping everything with the birth of his child was going well. A nurse came out of the room as Rasputin had begun to doze off.

Nurse: Are Ms.The Bride's husband?

Rasputin snapped back to reality looking up at the nurse.

Rasputin: Yes I am her husband is everything okay?

Nurse: Don't worry your wife had a healthy delivery. Your child has no health issues but we are going to do a few more checks just to make sure everything is fine.

Rasputin: Okay but can I see my wife?

Nurse: Yes.

Rasputin walks past the nurse into The Bride's room. She sees her lying there.

Rasputin: Hello there darling. How are you feeling my darling?

The Bride: I'm okay, tired but happy.

They both smile as Rasputin walks over and sees his baby son fast asleep.

Rasputin: I can't wait to see what you'll be when you're all grown up.

Later on at their house. Rasputin was trying to get Jack to say Dad.

Rasputin: Come on Jack, say dad. I know you can do it.

Jack was just sputtering nonsense out of his mouth. The Bride comes over and chuckles at what Rasputin is trying to do. He looks over.

Rasputin: What's so funny?

The Bride: The fact that you're trying to get Jack to talk he is too young.

Rasputin stands up.

Rasputin: I guess you're right. Well, I need to start getting dinner ready.

The Bride: Okay.

Rasputin leaves the room and heads to the kitchen. In Jack's room, The Bride was playing with Jack when suddenly a door-like portal opened up and The bride picked up Jack and backed away as Night Swan entered. With a few of her minions beside her, Night Swan had a devilish smirk as she stepped closer.

The Bride: Stay back I won't let you hurt me or my son.

Night Swan: Don't worry I just wish for the child.

The Bride was in no way giving her kid away to Night Swan.

The Bride: No way! He's my child. I won't let you take him!

Night Swan's face turned to anger,

Night Swan: Fine. If you won't give me the child then I shall take him.

Night Swan sent her minnmos and as The Bride tried to stop them but even though she did her best to protect her son she failed and was thrown against a wall. Jack began crying out. The minimos picked up Jack took him to Night Swan and walked back through the portal. Rasputin runs in after hearing the commotion when he sees what the room looks like his heart sinks and then even more when he sees The Bride hurt. He runs over to her.

Rasputin: My love what happened? Where's Jack? Why are you hurt?

The Bride looked over at Rasputin and hugged him burying her face in his chest. Rasputin rubbed her back as she sobbed.

The Bride: Night Swan... Took him...

Rasputin became heartbroken. His only child. his son! Had been taken away from them.

Rasputin: Don't worry we'll find him. 1 day we will reunite with him.

They stayed there holding each other for comfort.

At night swan tower. Night Swan and her minions entered through the portal. As Jack continued to cry. Night Swan used her dark magic to put Jack to sleep.

Night Swan: Put him to bed. When he is older he won't even remember his original parents.

The minion holding Jack walks away putting him in a cradle. Will Jack's real parents reunite with him or will Jack forever believe that Night Swan is his mom?

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