The New Normal

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John Bs' POV (At the Chateau)

Today the group and I are heading to our yearly end of the school year bonfire at the boneyard, I knocked on Tylers' bedroom door to wake her up so she can check her levels. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in December of last year and it's now May. Super recent and we're all still trying to understand and learn everything about it, she definitely has more bad days than good days with it but we're learning. 

"Ty you need to get up, check your levels and get something to eat please. I have to go to work, I'll see you later" I said as I opened her bedroom door 

I walked over to the couch and saw JJ passed out with a touron, I hit him in the head, "Get her out of here. Tylers up and I need you to make sure she takes her meds and eats. Later" 

"Later bro" JJ mumbled 

No ones POV 

JJ got up and woke up the girl next to him, she started making out with him and rubbing his dick not knowing someone else was there 

"Oh fuck baby" JJ moaned "I mmm I really need you go head o- fuck just like that" 

She kept going and put it in her mouth for him to finish. Once JJ did, she swallowed and he grabbed her by the throat and kissed her, "See you at the boneyard tonight babes" The girl said to him as she left 

JJ sat down and moaned, "Tyyyyy you up?" He yelled to her 

Tyler didn't answer so he walked into her room and sat on the edge of her bed gently tapping her shoulder, "Ty we need to check where your levels are at and you need to eat" He said 

she groaned and covered her face with the blanket, "I'm tired" She mumbled 

"I'll check them for you, you just need to give me a finger" He said to her 

Tyler barely had any energy to move, she wasn't feeling good today and she already knew that she was lower than she should be at, "It's in the kitchen somewhere" She mumbled to JJ 

"Your bag of stuff?" He asked her 

She nodded her head and he went to go find it. He came back in a few minutes later, "Alright give me a finger you want poked" He said turned her to face him 

Tyler sighed up barely stuck out her pointer finger, "Here you go" She said 

He cleaned off her finger and made sure to have the blood glucose reader ready, "Ready? Three, two, one" He pricked her finger and squeezed blood out to get her reading 

She left her arm draped over JJs' legs, "How was the random?" She asked him 

He laughed, "Waking up to head is always a great day" She looked up at him for the first time this morning half smiling 

"Glad you had fun" She said

Her glucose reader beeped indicating it was done, "55 mg/dL. Ty that's low.." He said to her 

"Do we have honey?" She asked him, "Or candy or juice" 

He got up and went to go check, he came back with a cup of apple juice and a spoonful of honey for her to eat, "Here you go Ty" 

She propped herself up on her elbows and ate the honey and then drank the apple juice, "Thank you JJ" She laid back down and rolled over onto her side 

"Can I lay with you while we wait the 10-15 minutes for those to kick in" He asked her 

She nodded her head yes and he climbed under her covers with her and set an alarm on his phone 


I wrapped my arms around Tys' waist and traced circles on her hip bone, I kissed her shoulder and she wiggled closer to me and fell right back asleep. I gently moved a piece of her hair off her face and behind her ear, she's the only girl I've ever been this gentle and caring with. I don't know what it is, I can hookup with a hundred different tourons but I always wanted to come back to Ty at the end of the day. I closed my eyes for a bit and waited for the alarm to go off. Once it did, I gently shook her to wake her up. 

"How're you feeling?" I asked her 

She mumbled into my chest, "Tired" 

"Can I see a finger again please?" I asked her and she gave me one

"Quick poke I promise, one, two, three" I saw her wince as I pricked her pinky finger. All of her fingers were bruised from constantly needing to check her levels. I feel bad that this is her new normal and there isn't anything we can change about it. 

The machine beeped, "Hey it went up! Good job Ty" I said, I leaned down and kissed her cheek. Let's get you up and get you something to eat huh I said lifting the comforter off her 

"Fineeeee" she groaned and got up 

We walked into the somewhat clean kitchen, and she looked for something to make herself. She held a cabinet door open and leaned back covering her eyes, "You good?" I asked her 

She shook her head no, "I don't feel good" She whined, "I don't think I'm going to go to the boneyard tonight" 

I came up behind her, "We'll get you fed, and you'll feel better I promise, go sit down at the table and I'll bring you some cereal" I guided her to the table and she sat and laid her head down 

Kie knocked on the door and I looked up, "You brought food? Good God I love you!" I grabbed the food from her and made Ty a real breakfast 

Kie sat down next to Tyler, "How're you feeling this morning?" She asked her 

Tyler sat up, "Okay. Thank you for bringing us food" the younger girl smiled at Kie 

Kie hugged her, "Of course babes, gotta keep you all fed" 

I brought a plate of food over for Ty and she started to pick at the plate. We heard the twinkie pulling up and park, "He's off early" Tyler said 

We looked towards the front door and saw John B and Sarah Cameron walking towards us, "Ward finally fire you?" I asked 

"No he told me to take today off. Good morning Ty, how're you doing?" John B said ruffling up his younger sisters hair 

She smiled, "Just peachy" I laughed knowing she was full of shit 

"What time are we heading to the boneyard?" I asked, "I need to go pick up a keg for that" 

"We can head out whenever, go do a full on beach day?" Sarah suggested 

"I'll finish up my food and then can I go surf?" Tyler asked 

John B shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah why not, I'll go with JJ and pick up the keg. Meet you guys at the boneyard in 15?" He said 


Authors Note: This first chapter is boring, I'm sorry. I just needed a beginning filler one but the next ones will be so much better! I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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