Kevin was now standing beside the Alpha. His job was done to put the Alpha in the lime light. Kevin was sure Tine will surely punish his son and now he really gives two fuck about what punishment Tine will decide for Thyme. He was just happy to have the ball in his court at the end. He politely and timidly thank Tine for supporting him. But then Sarawat question curiously to Kevin "How did you get here sweetheart?". Kevin turned his head towards Sarawat and quickly answer "Uncle... I came here to congralute Thyme but this horny big Dic.k Alpha seduce m....". Thyme close his eyes tightly and growl before the shameless brat to make up more stories and vomit another lie "Shut up. Just shut up. Don't fucking lie Kevin. You got here all by yourself and started everything...". Thyme was really pissed on Kevin. This brat won't ever get tired of playing victim. In other circumstances he would have rolled his eyes on his over dramatic Omega performance but now he was mad very mad. He really  hates him. He made a big mistake, why he got lost in the brat eyes and why watching his sexy body lust filled inside him for few minutes. Why the fuck he forget what this cunning brat is like until he behaves like a real brat in front of his parents once again. Tine and Sarawat look was disbelief and Kevin look was complex to understand. While the two husband and wife look at their son in total disappointment. The parent's really  wanted to trust their eldest son but  considering the situation they caught  Thyme smelling like sex from Thyme made it difficult for adults to trust him. Tine sighing hard "Both of you get dressed first. Kevin dear they are looking for you". Kevin nods but then he look down at his towel and complain whining "....but my clothes are all wet. What shall I wear now?". Tine look at his son and sigh hard. Thyme groan inwardly as he walk straight towards his locker and first put on his boxer without bothering to dry himself off. While Sarawat busied himself to look out for something for the Omega that football team left out but after everything Thyme still doesn't wanted to see Kevin wearing someone else's clothes. He breathout "Dad let it be, I'll give him my clothes to wear". Thyme handed his clothes to Kevin groaning "Wear this, brat". Kevin snapped back "I'm not a brat. You're A Brainless big Dick bad Asshole Alpha". Thyme open his mouth to retort but couldn't able to respond because Tine growl in warning "God this is so embarrassing".

Kevin slammed the door on Thyme face while Thyme has to steal someone else's clothes for himself to wear. Since his clothes Kevin was wearing. After few minutes Kevin walk out of shower stall wearing baggy clothes Thyme's looking like an annoyed wet rabbit in 4XL size clothes. Kevin walk closer to Tine and Sarawat as he innocently muttered "It's wasn't my fault I swear. It was him".  Tine nods his head lightly as Kevin walk past the two adult then out of exit door leaving Thyme to bear his mommy's wrath. Thyme quickly walk closer to his both parents defending himself  as he stated in begging tone "Mom Dad...Please  trust me ... I swear it isn't my fault. That brat is lying. I still hate him and wanted nothing to do with him. He came here and seduce me... ". Tine sigh hard then put his hand on his son shoulder explaining "I trust you baby. But everyone knows what happened here. Your team mates are out telling everyone how Kevin barge in here and ask everyone to leave the room but I can't believe you let him seduce you". Thyme rub his face but also took a breath of relief knowing his parents atleast trust him and this is more than enough for him to calm himself. But still Thyme doesn't wanted to walk out of the room and face everyone. God it will be so embarrassing.

Sarawat wrap his arm around his wife stating "We both trust you son. But your relationship with Kevin is dangerous. That Omega is ..... a wild card. He is always been for you. He seems to hate you as much as you hate him. Can do anything  to destroy your reputation. He put all the blame on you without any guilt or remorse and did you see how smoothly he make up all the stories so confidently against you". Tine nods his head then he added "Dad is right baby. You have to stay away from him. And getting sexually involved with him is big no. It is just a matter of time he will put you in big big trouble where saving you would be impossible. Not me. Not your father as well. There are so many laws implemented on omegas now a days. Nobody wants to mess with them". Thyme look confused saying "But mom Dad... everyone saw he came here. It wasn't me ...". Tine shook his head reminding "Don't be so naive Thyme's. Everyone knows about you being a bully to him in broad day light. If that Omega shed few tears and put the blame you no one is going to be on your side. I really didn't think you'd be so easy for him to worked up. And There are hundreds of other people why do you have to mess with this Omega Kevin out of all who you hate all your life. Even today weren't you supposed to hate him?". Thyme hung his head low. He still hates Kevin but he doesn't want to tell his parents about his and Kevin bond even though they teases him but Thyme know his parents don't have any idea what they are to each other. Thyme was suddenly exhausted and just wanted to sleep the Alpha very softly whisper "Dad.... Can we go home please". Tine sigh for the millionth time making Sarawat to nods his head saying "ofcourse Son, And D'ont worry about anything. Mom and Dad will always support you". Thyme nods giving small smile to his father. Then both parent walk out of the door  followed by Thyme walking behind his parents lowering his head carrying his backpack. He was really ashamed cause he can feel everyone whispering things about him, watching him disgustingly. On his way he heard Gulf scolding his baby boy in front of everyone for all the rumor going on and asking him to explain why he's wearing Thyme's clothes. Thyme inwardly groan hell yes, karma is bitch. Thyme felt little bit better and satisfied to see Kevin getting scolded from his mommy.  Atleast his parents didn't scold him like that in front of everyone but trust him instead that thought made him feel a lot better.

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PS: Came here just to tell you that I know it should be an intense situation for the two  but let's not take this two teenagers seriously and keep it as light and fluffy as possible. You know I don't like much drama... I'll save it that for later but for now let's just enjoy the two bantering and getting on each other nervous.

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