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She groaned when someone disturb her beauty sleep. Lazily, she woke up and went to her balcony just to open the door for her none of other best friend, Nishimura Riki.

He sheepishly grinning at her and swiftly pushed her body to the side before walked inside her bedroom. Natsuki rubbed her eyes, still half awake, she looks at Riki who already lay down on her bed.

He wore a leather jacket and she noticed it's wet, even his hair too. He took out the phone and started scrolling. Riki glanced at Natsuki before furrowed his eyebrows.

“What's with that face, Minamoto?” he asked and she scoffed, folding her arms.

“You, ruined my beauty sleep! It's fucking 3 am in the morning Riki and I'm just done studying!” she folded her arms and Riki understand that sign—she will start babbling.


“And look at you! All wet and now you're laying on my bed without thinking I need to wash it tomorrow, alone! Before you lay down at least take off your jacket first and dry yourself first! Ugh!” she forcedly pulled his hand so he could get off from her bed.

Riki softly groaned but still follow what she said. Do you think this isa normal thing to happen between them? The answer is, yes! Riki and Natsuki has been friends for a very long time and their parents are fine with that.

“Minamoto, you're overreacting again! Chill, I will help you tomorrow so don't worry!” he patted her head with a sheepish smile, “anyway, I'm so hungry now! Can you cook for me?”

Natsuki glared at him before let out a loud groaned. Riki is lucky because tomorrow is weekend.

“What are you doing outside at this hour, Riki? And it's raining too?” she asked while cooking some instant noodles from both of them because she can't fall asleep again so she need to fill her stomach with some food.

Riki awkwardly laughed, she immediately glared at him and noticed something odd on his face. A bruise cut. She just shrugged it off for a moment and let Riki finish his noodle first.

Riki known for his skill in fighting but she didn't want to assume anything first because it might be a cut from his own clumsy behavior. It's not her first time to see Riki with bruise on his face and body. She already used to it since Riki will only show it to her.

“What happened to your face?” she asked and Riki stopped eating, he looks at Natsuki for a moment before she cupped his jaw.

“Auch! That's hurts!” he whined in pain when Natsuki's grip got tightened. He slapped her hand so she let his jaw go.

“Nothing much, it's just some stupid boys from the next neighborhood. We fought because he said something that make me.... unpleasant, that's all!” he explained while rubbed his jaw awkwardly and Natsuki knows he's lying.

But looking at the time she decided to stay calm first and she needs to go to sleep first. After done cleaning the kitchen and their dishes they went to Natsuki's bedroom. She take out an extra pillow and blanket for Riki.

“Here, take this and go to sleep. I will treat your bruise tomorrow.” she said while laying down on her bed.

“Thank you, Natsuki!” he laid next to her and wrapped his body with the blanket.

Few moment later, both of them slowly drift into a deep sleep while that rain pouring heavily and lead Riki to hug anything near him. Not minding if he will only a free kick from his best friend tomorrow.

The next day.


“Oh, my! My back is hurt!” Riki groaned when his back hit the hard and cold floor.

He rubbed his eyes while looking around with his sleepy face. He saw Natsuki already glared at him with her face flushing red. Doesn't know if it is because she's shy or it is because she used all her energy to push him from her bed.

Probably the second one.

Or maybe both?

“Why did you kick me out from bed, Natsuki? Don't you pity your handsome friend a little bit, Minamoto?” he asked while get up from the floor. Natsuki quickly look away when she also realized that he's half naked.

Riki did wear his t-shirt! She remembers it clearly that he still wore his t-shirt before they go to sleep. It's his habit sleeping with no t-shirt on but... the thing is... he hugged her with his bare upper body and Natsuki was shocked!

“Whatever! I'm using the bathroom first and then you'll use it. Remember, you promised me to help me cleaning my bed together so don't you dare to running away from my house!” she warned him before she went into her bathroom.

Riki softly groaned and laid down on the bed again. He stared at the ceiling and trying to remember what happened. He also questioning himself—when did he take off his shirt? He probably really tired until he didn't realized about it.

“Yeah, whatever. It's not like I have a feeling on that shorty!” he spoke to himself and finally get up after gaining his energy.

He wore his t-shirt and went downtown greet her parents. Minamoto family already familiar with him and even trust him with all of their heart so basically Riki has access in Natsuki's house too.

“Good morning, Mama!” he greet her mom who still prepared for breakfast. He already used to call her parents with the same name as his. Riki's family live next door so they already know each other since he still wears pampers.

“Good morning too, Riki! When did you come, sweetheart? Have you take a shower yet?” she asked softly and Riki just shook his head.

Mrs Minamoto only smile, “you can used Naoki's room and some of your shirt still here.”

“Thank you, Mama!”

Minamoto family loves Riki. He's is like a brother figure for Naoki and a funny goofy boy friend of Natsuki. If one day they want to find a guy for their daughter, Riki is a perfect choice for them!

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