miss you

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Ignore the mistakes~

After LOL concert all boys planned to eat and do a small party as the d2 also ended. They're so happy and satisfied about the concert. But one is just pretending to be happy with them.


He is feeling heartbroken..somewhere in his heart hurting him so much feeling so empty.

"Bro lets go, lets partyyy" gemini said holding perth shoulder as the boy was sitting on a couch alone.

Perth smiled tiredly "no bro y'all go lemme skip..im feeling so tired just wanna go home"

"You're not coming with us?" Force asked as he heard gem perth conversation.

"No you go guyss,thank you phi for supporting me giving me encourage today i would like to take a leave now sorry" perth said smiling at them.

They all understand..they can sense him he was sad cuz chimon wasn't with him..being alone without no partner it was hard to perform..but perth still did the best performance.. everyone smiled and hugged perth tightly bid him goodbye.

While driving to home perth felt so anger for himself..he just feeling stressed, his eyes getting watery as his vision getting blurry too...he stopped the car..throw his head on his seat.

"Argh...."perth didn't hide this time he let his tears flow down his cheek...he was so excited for this concert..he wanted to make his phi so cool so hot..he wanted to hug his partner like all couple did in concert..he wanted to seat close to him...he wanted to sing with his lover. He wanted to dance with that one person who always give him encourage.

He let out a soft cry breaking down middle of the road..

"chi- why always us.."

After some time he wiped his tear he
was tired his body need to rest but his mind wanted to met that person, hug him tightly..so he listened his heart he take U-turn then goes to the hospital.

After reaching the same cabin where he came 2 days ago..he felt his heartbeat going crazy as he open the cabin door entered the patient room.

He locked the door behind slowly taking step to the person who he missed for 2 freaking days. He stared at the person face as his heart fixing by himself seeing that person face..his only phi, his love of life..chimon.

He pulled a chair he don't wanna disturb chimon or wake him up.. he will left soon after few minutes or hour?he sat beside chimon bed..who was sleeping peacefully..

Perth wanted to hold his hand..but he don't wanna disturb..he wanted to cry..seeing him like that...after few minutes he gets up.."get well soon my love" he whispered to chimon.


When he about to leave he heard the voice he always saved in his heart..that sweet voice that make him stay up all night..he quickly turn around get close to the boy.

"Phi?you need something?"

Chimon slowly nod his head as no..he looked at the wall clock which saying its all most 3am in the morning..

"What are you doing here in this time?" Chimon asked looking at the boy who looks so tired..his hair is messy..eyes looks like zombie..but still smiling at him..

"Just wanted to meet you..how you're doing.." perth said holding chimon hand with his both palm..he missed this feeling alot.

"Im doing good perth..just need to rest a little bit more...."

Silence fell in the room..it was comfortable for perth and for chimon too as perth slowly rubbing chimon's hand with his hands..feeling the warmth of it..until chimon speak again..

"You....you look so tired perth..it was so hard right.. doing all this alone~?" he placed his hand on perth cheek.. slowly caressing under his eyes..perth again hold his hand but didn't remove it from his face..he placed chimon's hand harder in his cheek closing his eyes to feel the warmth..slowly tears drop from his eyes..then he took his hand to his chest close to his heart..

Chimon could feel perth heartbeat...chimon almost start to teared up but he hold it..he don't wanna look broken infront of him it will make it worse for perth's mentally...all perth need is love support now so do chimon.

"D...don't worry about it..i just want you to recover soon p'mon" perth voice cracked a little.

"Perth..Come here put you head here.." chimon pat on the side of his bed...Perth didn't denied it..he pull the chair more close to the bed then his put his head on the side of chimon pillow..

Chimon then faced perth side..put his another hand on perth's head softly playing with his hair and another hand is locked with perth's one.

"You did great perth..you really did so well..im so proud of you for handling all this without me..you alone hyped the whole concert perth..im so unlucky that i wasn't beside you when you sang all those songs..im just so proud of you my........perth you're best," chimon said all this whispered to him..it was enough for fix everything in perth...

Perth teared up then hold chimon hand tightly.."Chimon...thank you..j-just never leave my side again i might can't take that please."

Chimon smiled when he called him by his name "promise i will never..perth..dont cry noww..you need to take care yourself perth you're tired still visit me this time go home now. take rest okay?"

"Okay...i just missed you a lot..so i-" perth replied as he raised his head from the bed standing up but still holding their hand together.

"I missed you too perth..." Chimon sweetly said don't know how those word made perth so happy..make him feel alive.

Perth lastly kissed his hand softly... saying good bye to him.

the feelings they have for each other is same..but no one can dare to say it...they love each other alot but fears too what if the another doesn't feel the same..it will break their bond..but one day perth will surely tell chimon how freaking he love the boy not as a friend but as a lover..and Chimon also dreaming about that day..

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