The Secret - Mino

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"How did you get your hand stuck in the peanut butter jar?" Mino furrowed his eyebrows as his friend, Peter Scotts slammed his hand against the counter.

"I just wanted to eat a late-night snack," Peter growled, "I didn't think I'd somehow get my hand stuck."

Mino waltzed over to the boy, grabbing his hand, "How many times have I reminded you that grocery stores exist?"

Peter shook his head, "Have you told your boyfriend yet?"

"Told him what?"

"That you're a werewolf," Peter's eyes widened as Mino freed him from the jar.

"He's never going to know," Mino said, "He doesn't deserve that mental scar."

Peter wiped his hand against Mino's jacket, "You've known each other since Pre-K. He has to know something's up with you."

"How do I explain that someone he's known his whole life, isn't human?"

"You could try a phone call," Peter said, "When was the last time you called him?"

"Last night. He had a nightmare."

Peter placed his hands underneath the faucet, "Was it the same one?"

Mino nodded, "Always is."

"I told you. Something's up with that boy."

"He's just under a lot of stress," Mino said, "You know how his brother is."

Peter smirked, his eyes lighting up, "His brother is pretty cute. Gay too."

Mino rolled his eyes, "I can't fathom my best friend dating my boyfriend's brother."

"Isn't that a song on a kid's TV show?" Peter questioned.

Mino turned towards the stairs, "I don't have time to babysit you."

Peter galloped after Mino, climbing the stairs like a small child, "Why can't you babysit me? What are you doing anyway?"

"Looking for a new job." Mino said.

"What happened to the movie theater? You liked working there."

Mino shrugged his shoulders, reaching for his bedroom door.

"You don't need a job anyway," Peter continued, "Your parents left you--"

Mino glared at his friend, "Do you ever stop talking?"

Peter folded his arms, "No."

"First you come over to eat all my food, now you won't leave me alone about my job."

Peter placed his finger in Mino's face, "Correction, your ex-job."

"That's a weird way of putting that."

Peter barged into Mino's room, diving onto his bed, "Does he know you don't have a job anymore?"

"Hyunbin? Yeah, he knows," Mino tossed his coat onto the bed, "He suggested for me to quit."

"How long did you two talk for last night?" Peter questioned, "You were laughing for hours."

"Only until around four in the morning."

Peter's eyes widened, "Four in the morning?"

"We had lots to discuss."

"Like how you're a werewolf and not a vampire?"

"We talked about the pride parade next month," Mino said, "I asked him to go with me."

"Oh? What did he say?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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