Chapter 11: A Secret Kept {Fragment of Memory 1}

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(Y/n's) Pov:

What's happening?

How long have I been here?

I'm so weak I can't even stand up. Those laughing sounds stays in the dim room for hours now I'm sick and tired of hearing it, it sounds like a total maniac had gone crazy and absurd.

The laughing sound had faded away slowly then I saw a glimmer of light ahead of me as I looked around the dark void. I used all my strength to get up, limping a little because I was shaking while walking.

I managed to get close to the light.

I thought this could be my way out then when I touched it I saw a fragment of memory? What's this?...

I saw my baby self in the modern era! What does this mean? The fragment showed me further information about myself. I have been taken to an orphan when I was just a baby?!

B-but how?! And why?!

I tried to calm myself down and listened to this fragment explain it to me. I was wailing and crying so much as a baby.

It then timeskipped to when I was adopted?! Is that Kagome as a child? Mother and father when they were still together?

I get it now...

I must've been just an adopted child all my life, they changed my (L/n) to Higurashi. Turns out my parents passed away due to a fire accident because my two parents were busy fighting over something and forgot about the food that my mother cooked.

Pretty stupid reason to die I know. Yet I still can't help but feel despair rushing through me as I saw their dead bodies burnt.

The police then came to check out the place and saw me, they took me custody to an orphan then here it was. Adopted to the Higurashi family.

Kagome's mother and father had a complicated relationship, they didn't talk about it nor even spoke a word about it. The reason was because Kagome's father was an alcoholic.

Her mother left her father because she couldn't bear with it anymore. Kagome's mother lived with her grandpa. Seeing Kagome's father hanging with the wrong people, gambling, drinking and even using drugs.

I didn't like it. I hated Kagome's father just from when I saw him through this fragment of memory.

Then it ended there.

Was this the secret kept from me all along? I've been adopted all along...

{Fragment of memory 1 end}


(Y/n): Bitch I'm adopted in the story? How come you didn't tell us this before we had to perform it? We barely even memorized the lines.

Rica: Sorry, sorry I was really busy with things going on in my house sighs

(Y/n): It's fine Creator, take your time. Just make sure to remind us again if something like this happened so we'll be prepared smiles widely

Rica: Yeah sure... Bye-bye!

•𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨̄𝐮•Where stories live. Discover now