Chapter 10: Akihiro's Past Life

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Akihiro's Pov:

   I'm out here outside Naraku's domain thinking about some things when the meaning of my name came to my mind. Akihiro... Autumn is the meaning of my name, which right now is actually autumn, I looked at the colored brown and red leaves falling from the trees.

   It looked so beautiful that the way the leaves fell down from the tree. The refreshing air swaying through my dark black hair. Despite being my name Akihiro my hair is color black, which represent as evil in my own clan.

    Yes, I may be Autumn but my hair is bad luck. They didn't like me just because of my hair, color black is a very unique hair color in my Kiran Clan, which Kiran literally means Beam of Light.

    Yet being born as a black haired guy was a terrible fate. Many kids would stay away from me, adults would insult me or even ignore me. Even my own father disliked me. In our Clan light brown hair colors are very rare, so many people in my Clan are brown haired color. If you are born with a light blue hair color just like the sky meaning you might just be the savior to the Clan.

   No one in my Clan got a light blue haired color child except black which is me. I hate how life worked for me, it didn't show me any happiness rather than darkness. There was one person who cared for me though. That was my mother.

   She had a brown hair colored like the others, while my dad had the hair color of light blue which means he's the savior of my Clan. He will not retire until there is a new born one.

    I really loved my mother that I would kill  anyone who dares to  talk shit about her. My father? I resented him to the rest of my life.

    One day, when I was just walking around my Territory outside I caught a glimpse of a man wearing a white skull mask and a fluffy cloathing. If I remembered correctly he introduced me his name, it was exactly the same as Naraku.

     Of course being a stupid young child I am I trusted him. I let myself tell him about my life. How ruined it was, then he offered me to come with him.

     Here I am, outside his domain looking at the trees. I had no idea how long I have been living with him, I couldn't even recall what had happened when he first took me in.

     I was just a child. I didn't even knew what the guy's intention was. He didn't harm me I appreciate that. But there's something about me that tells me he's dangerous, then there's the side of me that tells me to betray him and take the Shikon no Tama myself.

     It was all telling me to do what was wrong when it felt right for me. When I fought Inuyasha yesterday I could see the determination in his eyes to save his friend. That affected me a little.

      Sometimes I keep on wondering how's my Clan doing? My Territory is so far away, and the location we're in now is not helping me find it.

     My goal is to betray Naraku, get the Shikon no Tama and leave this place.

     And then what? Consume the world? Be the ruler? Go back to my Territory?... I guess my life is just messed up huh.

     I took off my contact lense in my right eye. I could see nothing in my right eye but pure darkness just like my hair. On the left one so little bright light I could see just like my mother.  

     My hair engulfed me with darkness with so little light to enter. My hair as the dark, my Mother as the light.

      I wish I could cut my hair. Mother would stop me everytime I try to do it when I was a kid, then there's my right eye. Completely white with no pupils.

      I got this because I was self-harming myself. Father did not give a care when he saw it yet my mother did. I can't even understand how he became the savior when he treats his own child like that.

      It was all bullsht to me...

      You know what? I'm here now, all of that doesn't matter anymore. I don't care about my parents, I don't care about my Clan. I just hate...  Everything.

      I'm still waiting for the right time to make my move. Naraku you have been grateful to me but I can't stay with you any longer.

     I might just be more evil than you Naraku.



Akihiro: So the meaning of my name is Autumn huh? AWESOME! Happily jumping

Rica: Well you do know it's your real name that I'm using for my story/AU right?

Akihiro: nods his head Of course I do. I can't believe I didn't knew what it meant when you put in the story, you're so talented creator!

Kikyo: he's right Creator, you are talented smiles softly

Rica: Aww thank you guy's! Eyes watering




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