Chapter Two - I missed you

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    This whole day I've just been pacing and attempting to access Reis insta profile and let's just say I've been wildly unsuccessful. Geno left thirty minutes ago to pick up Rei from the airport. I would've offered to go with but I know it's important that the two of them can reunite in private. Azz, KK, Nika and I all are chilling in the living room of my dorm but I can't hide the fact that Im so fucking nervous to see Rei.
    "What if she hates me?" I rant to my friends. All of them are scrolling on their phone.
    "Im sure she doesn't hate you, you need to relax girl," Azzi says, not looking up from her phone.
    "But what if she does-"
    "Girl boo you need to CALM DOWNNNNN!!!! You're stressing all of us out," KK says, smiling. "Are you sure you don't have a crush on this Serenity girl?" I look at her and I debate between telling the truth or hiding it. I mean, if I tell them they'll make my life living hell for a week, trying to get Rei to like me or confess feelings. On the other hand, if I don't tell them then nothing will happen and they'll not give a fuck about anything, right? Hopefully.
"No, I don't and I never did. Plus I haven't seen her in like 5 years so I don't even know what she looks like now or if she's changed," I explain blankly. This is partly true. I was crazy in love with Rei from as far back as our friendship goes but now since I haven't seen her, it's different. KK shrugs.
"Sureeeee, we'll see about that," KK says, smirking. I roll my eyes.
Thirty minutes later
Im still hanging out with my friends. It's been forever and Coach still hasn't texted or called me about their arrival from the airport. I hope they didn't get into a car accident or something. Just as im starting to worry more, i get a text.
Coach Geno: Hey Paige, we just got here. We're at the athletics building.
You: Alr ill be there soon
Now I can feel the nerves hitting even more. What if she's changed? What is she hates me? Holy shit I don't think I can do this fuck fuck fuck.
"You good, Paige?" Nika asks me, looking at me from across the room.
"Yeah, yeah Im good..."
"Do you want us to come with you?" Azzi asks. Maybe. I don't know. I want this to be a private time where Rei and I can rekindle our friendship... but maybe that's a good idea.
"Okay, yeah thanks," I say and I put on my shoes. Nika, Azz and KK all get up and start putting on their shoes too. We start walking down the dormitory hall and into the parking lot. What if she's different now?! Shit, I can't do this. We cross the parking lot and enter the athletics building. That's when I see her.
    Serenity Anastasia Parker.
Rei Parker.
    Rei Auriemma.
    My Rei
And she's so fucking gorgeous. Her straight dark brown hair is down to her hip in a perfect ponytail and her body, damn it's so hot. Her curves are perfect in every way you can imagine. And when she turns to me, I see her face. Her features have matured and become even more gorgeous than before. I feel speechless. Holy shit. Azz and KK both stare too. Shit am I staring? It's so hard not to.
"Hey..." I say. Without even saying anything, Rei runs to me and hugs me, she smells like vanilla and strawberries. I feel her face on my shoulder as she starts to cry. I start crying too.
"I missed you so much...." Rei says, her voice shaking a little. It's a little deeper now but it's so comforting to hear it.
"I missed you too, more than you can imagine...." I reply, still holding her in the embrace. That's when I realize how short she is. Nika was right, she's about 5"5. I didn't know 5"5 was so short. Whatever, I don't wanna ruin the moment by teasing her, especially since we just met again after 5 years. I break the hug and just look at her. She looks at me too, studying my face. I wonder if she thinks I got a glow up or something because I practically look the same. Shit, I already feel like Im catching feelings again. But this time I can't. She's Coach's daughter for fucks sake.

    KK, Azzi, Coach Auriemma and I all watch as Paige and Serenity hug. It's nice to see Paige cry once in a while since she tends to hold things in. After they hug for what feels like three hours, Serenity turns to me. She is gorgeous like I said before and it's nice to see her after not seeing her since I went to Iowa to train a few years ago.
    "Hey Parker," I say. I call her Parker cause that's what everyone called her back at training. I hug her. She hugs me back. I can smell Paige on her. The hug is brief since we were never super close but I hope I can get to know her better when she hopefully joins the team. Serenity turns to KK and Azzi.
    "Hi, Im Serenity, nice to meet you," She says, smiling at KK and Azzi. They both look stunned and also incredibly nervous. I bet they didn't expect her to be this gorgeous.
    "Hey girlllll Im KK and this is Azzi," KK says, smiling but also staring a lot. Azzi just smiles in acknowledgment but she still looks stunned. I glance over at Paige and see her staring at Serenity too. HA I bet she has a crush! I should tell the rest of the team.
    "How about we let Paige and Serenity catch up?" I offer to KK and Azzi. KK looks a little sad but then she nods. Azzi just nods, not taking her eyes off Serenity.

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