Arc 1 Chapter 1

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Ignorance Is Bliss

I was born to a commoner woman and former asshole. This is my story of how I realized that nothing in this or any other world actually matters.

*Whining* *Cries*

"Oh, he's beautiful, isn't he." A woman said.

"What will you call it?" A bored male replied.

"Ben. His name will be Benjamin."

"Hello my child, in a couple of years, you shall gain consciousness and have a very interesting life. But, for now you shall have a normal childhood." This is [Redacted] voice. A man, whom you will come to hate just like I did.

3 Years Later

"How does it feel to finally be three Ben?" Jack, my older brother asked.

"Great!" I say "I can't wait to see what my magic attribute I will get.

"You'll see."

We walk up to our house. It's pretty small, two floors, two bedrooms, and a small outdoor garden. But, right now that garden is filled with balloons, friends, and family because it is my birthday today and I'll get to learn magic.

"Mommy, can I go get my magic attributes checked," I asked

"Yes, we can." My mother Mary said "But, we'll have to do it after you open up gifts and cut into your cake."

"Kay, then we go to church."

So I wait, I open the presents, which isn't much seeing as almost everyone is poor. Then cut the cake and eat the first piece. I try doing this as fast as possible because I want to find out what type of magic I can use. Almost everyone in the world has some type of natural abilities. The highest paying jobs are magicians and Holy Knights.

When I was younger I was told I had a good amount of mana, so I would be a magician but my brother wants me to be more than just a magician, he wants me to be a magic swordsman. So he started to teach me how to use a sword. My favorite has to be the katana because it's light and easy to swing.

"Alright honey, we can go to the church." Mary said

"Hey, mom" I say "Do you feel Them watching, the [Info Lost]."

My Mother grabbed me and said "We don't call them the [Info Lost] any more, they are called Ophanims, they are meant to watch over us."

"Well what about the Gods..." I tried to finish but Mother smiled a horrific smile and then said "Don't ever say Gods, there is only one true merciful God." I tried to turn away but she kept me locked in, looking into her eyes.

I now see how wrong that statement is today.

After that encounterment, we head over to the Church and we see the Head Priest, Father Sagart, waiting for us.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Mr. Benjamin. All grown up I see." Sagart amused "Let's skip the formalities and get your magic checked.

He led me to a small room with a glowing orb in the middle. The room couldn't have been bigger than twenty by twenty by ten square feet.

"Put your hands on the orb." he instructed. I compiled. "Now, focus your energy into the orb." As soon as I do, I feel my body becoming weightless, then I pass out. As I come to, the orb looks like it's outside at night. There are dozens of helios' in the sky with purples, pinks, and blues. Sagart stared at the orb in amazement and horrifyingly stated "You shouldn't exist. Not yet. Why does it have to be this boy"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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