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"Pass me the pencil!" Dean exclaimed through the music. "Pass is to yourself, asshole," Cas grinned and threw the pencil in my face. "Thanks a lot, you hit my glasses" he mumbled under his breath and pulled his glasses higher on his nose. "What was that? I didn't catch it," the blue eyes male kept grinning.

It was a late May afternoon, Dean was sitting on the grass in the park, his eyebrows furrowed as he was concentrating on the drawing. His light brown hair was falling inside his green orbs, his skin tanned from the amount of time spent in the park.

Cas was watching him amused, grin of his face, phone in one hand, cigarette in the other one. He inhaled the nicotine inside his lungs, holding it for a moment before releasing the smoke in the air in front of his face.

He was half laying on the ground, his elbows supporting him and his legs stretched wide in front of him.
"You know," he stated, "you gonna damage your eyes if you keep squinting at the scratch like that," he pointed his cigarette on his scatch book. "Says a smoker," Dean answered without looking up.


He sighed and laid down, tangling his legs with Cas'. "I hate the drawing," he grumbled.

"What? Oh come on let me see!" He picked up the paper. "I mean it's not terrible. What is the subject of the project again?"

"Renaissance buildings. But. I can't move with the freaking shadows. It's driving me crazy dude!" he put his arm over his face.

"Just erase this corner one and use a carbon, it'll blend better. Besides, this statue is crooked anyway just add more shadow and you'll be good," he squinted his eyes and tilted his head on one side and Dean laughed. "Now you're the one squinting."

"Oh shut up, I'm trying to help you here," Cas frowned and laid down again.

"Yeah yeah whatever. You are right tho," he picked up the carbon and finished the drawing, then he put it all away and started standing up. "Come on, we'll be late for dinner. My mom's making a meatloaf. You don't want to miss that," he grinned at him and offered Cas a hand to stand up.

"I don't wanna stand up," Cas whined but eventually took his offered arm and stood up.
"You owe me 5 bucks, btw."
"What? What for?"
"For the advice about the drawing," he smiled innocently with a spark in his eyes. "Yeah, not happening," Dean playingly nudged him in the ribs with his elbow.

He laughed and nudged him back. "Is that an ice cream truck I hear?" Cas exclaimed and started running towards the truck like a little excited child. Dean just laughed, shook his head and walked to him.

Once he bought one strawberry and one chocolate ice cream, he handed Dean the first one. As they walked to Dean's house, Cas couldn't help but steal a few glances towards the green eyed boy walking beside him, completely drawn by the ice cream in his hand. His parents were crazy about sweets and everytime he bought him even a little ice cream, he used to be jumping around with excitement. Now he doesn't do that anymore, but he still gets very into the flavour of the sweet cold treat.

They brushed their hands a few times as they were walking next to each other and every time it caused Cas a little stomach flip, not knowing the reason why.

Dean registered Cas looking at him, and smiled at him with his little thin but beautiful, wide lips and Cas couldn't help but blush a little as he smiled back.

He frowned a little with a question in his eyes. "Everything alright Cas? What's up with you today? You seem distracter. You didn't even steal my ice cream today," he said with a spark but also a little concern in his eyes.

Cas laughed remembering the memory as he pulled out another cigarette. It started one summer day when Caa bought him and himself an ice cream, but was already so sick of his own flavour that he always chose, so he stole Dean's and bit of half of it. It was when he found out he doesn't feel any pain in his teeth while biting something too hot or too cold.

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