#26: time changes

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"What? What did she say? Before I could ask her, what did she mean when she said that? She just became... She slept, putting her head on my chest, and I held her from falling.

I really don't know what to do with this because I am confused about whatever she said to me. I really don't know where to take her. I don't know her address .

After thinking for a minute, I just thought that finally, if I really don't want to but I have to take her with me to my place. So, she was asleep, not waking up. I tried. Of course, because of the alcohol, she was unconscious.

So, I just picked her up in my arms and tried to move towards my car. As I was going towards my car, it started raining. I tried to move fast, but I was holding her. I didn't run holding her in my arms, so we both got wet in the rain.

"When I made her sit on the seat, I put the seatbelt on her, and I sat in the driver's seat. I looked at her from top to bottom and then realized she was wearing a white dress. Because of the rain, it had become somewhat translucent. So, I just put my jacket on her. The dress she was wearing was almost 2 inches above her knees, a long, baggy dress. I don't think she used to like these dresses, or maybe I just didn't know her well. I don't know when she started wearing this."

I started driving. I took her to my place. When I reached my place, again I held her in my arms and went to my room. She was all wet. I can't just leave her to sleep on the sofa all night in these wet clothes.

"Before sleeping, I went to the room where she was resting. I checked on her and I found myself... captivated. I couldn't help but stare at her as she slept so peacefully, like a baby in a cradle. Her innocence still radiated, and there was a gentle glow on her face. As I watched her, I realized how beautiful she looked, sleeping as if she were in the midst of a sweet dream, and in that moment, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over me."

"When I returned to the hall, I sat on the sofa, trying to process everything she had said.

As for the events of the last day, five years ago , I don't recall much about that night. The only memory that stands out is being at the party with Aarohi. We were chatting, but then she left to join her friends. I mentioned to her that I had to show her something after the party, and we agreed to meet later.

However, Teju escorted me to my room where a few other friends were gathered, and someone brought out bottles of alcohol. I declined, knowing I had plans to meet Aarohi, and I didn't want her to be upset if she found out I had been drinking. Despite my protests, Teju insisted, and I ended up drinking. When Aarohi arrived and saw me, she was furious and left. I tried to explain, but she wouldn't listen. Eventually, Myra intervened, suggesting I speak to Aarohi in the morning when she had calmed down. We then returned to my flat"

"And when we came to my room, there were more people in it, as if the party had shifted from the terrace to my flat. Priya was there, Myra was there, Teju and some friends, Sanjana and her friends-there were a lot of them, many of whom I didn't even know, or maybe I don't remember them right now.

I was upset that Aarohi wasn't answering my calls. I went to the balcony, trying to call her, messaging her, but she wasn't responding. Then Myra came and took me inside, and someone brought more alcohol. I drank heavily, to the point of losing consciousness.

After that, I don't know, I don't remember clearly. The only thing I recall is trying to call Aarohi, finding her phone switched off. I was sitting again on the balcony, just messaging her, or maybe someone was there, I'm not entirely certain"

"Did something really happen that night? Did she really see me with someone I can't remember? Who could it be? As far as I know, I was with Myra. And it can't be Myra.

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