8. Search for Safety

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My eyes snapped open at the sound of singing birds. It surprised me at first because I thought I was still in the castle. But when I looked around at the trees yesterday's events came rushing back to me. I frowned as I stood and dusted off the dirt off my dress. I ached everywhere but there was nothing I could do about it. I passed a sleeping Phillip as I looked around for any signs of Malik. He was probably doing something important. I went to pet Winter who whined at me.

"I'm sorry girl. I have no food on me. "I said as I watched her look all around me. She snorted and looked away which meant she was mad so I decided to go out and look for some fruits and nuts. I looked around as I admired the forest in awe. The morning light was seeping through the canopy of trees. The squirrels were running up and down and the birds laid in their nests. It was beautiful sight, something I had never seen at the castle. I saw an apple tree in the distance and I started walking towards it before I felt a hand grab me. I turned around to see Malik looking at me with relief.

"What's going on?" I asked as he turned me back around to face the tree.

"You were about to enter the enchanted forest." He told me which made me squint my eyes. I didn't see the barrier before but now I could see it. I knew we couldn't enter it because we didn't want to startle the creatures. Somehow they knew what was happening in Astraea and where super cautious. I thanked him and we walked back to the campsite. He had a basket of fruit. I got curious on how he got the basket but I didn't ask. We found Phillip sitting up looking around. He smiled when he acknowledged us and took a green apple from Malik's basket.

"So what's the plan?" Phillip asked and we both looked at Malik.

"We should walk around the barrier until I get a message from my friends that they have found a new hiding spot."

"I do not agree. I don't think we should wait in this forest. The soldiers will get us more quickly that way. I think we should head to Perania."I told them and Malik frowned.

"Why Perania?" he asked.

"Well Perania's capital has the best security system in all the kingdoms." Phillip stated and I agreed.

"Princess Laura is a friend of mine. She will hide us for time being."

"I still don't think....." Malik said and I shook my head.

"I am not waiting to be taken back by Lykos!" I said fiercely and stood my ground. Malik looked at me with a blank stare then agreed. I didn't mean to raise my voice but I knew Lykos was coming. I could feel his presence in the vicinity. I tried not to show that I was scared because I could always feel him. It was like I couldn't shake the dreadful feeling of him off me. Malik assured us that he knew the way to Perania so we let him lead the way. After we had been walking for hours in the forest the sunset came about quickly and we had to set up camp.

"Do you think Malik is leading us to Perania?" Phillip asked as we headed into the forest to search for food while Malik got the firewood.

"At this point, I'm not really sure. We've barely travelled anywhere besides our kingdom. We have no experience in the real world. But I trust him." I said with a smile as I remembered his kiss.

"Too much if you ask me." Phillip murmured but I heard him and frowned. He must have realized I heard him because after that he said, "He was a stableboy and now he's a hero. That doesn't raise questions in your head?" he asked. I mean I really didn't question anything because I barely knew about these things. He showed me the enchanted forest which he said that he had stumbled upon. From that I understood that he knew more about the world than me which I accepted because he had the freedom to go anywhere he wanted.

"Sometimes it does but I can't forget that he saved me. I am really grateful for that and I will always be in his debt." I said as I spotted a fruit bush not too far from us.

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