Chapter 1

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"So you passed the exams? That's good" Teal looked at Jay beside him as they walked through the city's shop alleys after dawn. "I did, I'm proud of myself now" Jay jumped from excitement, "I am now free from school and I have my own house now!" they continued. "I can see you're happy for once," Teal smiled under his mask that fully covered his face.

Teal noticed something in the corner of his eye, a man laying down on his stomach on a dark alley where light couldn't reach. He ignored it and looked at Jay who was jumping happily a little bit ahead. "What are you looking at?" Jay looked at Teal who was looking back a little towards the dark alley. "Just a drunk man probably" Teal shrugged, hesitating a little bit. "Maybe they need help. I will go check," Jay sighed and walked towards the alley. "NO DON'T-!!" Teal yelled and ran after them.

When Jay came to the alley, he saw the man laying down and put him on his side. Jay gasped as they saw his mask; it was a happy smiling face. "He has a mask like us Teal" Jay turned around towards him behind them. "Why is he here? He has been missing for the past year or two..." Teal mumbled to himself. "Help me carry him to my place" Jay looked over at Teal and he hesitatingly helped Jay to bring him there.

Few days passed and he started to wake up and make some movements. "You're finally awake?" Jay smiled at the stranger in their living room. The man quickly got up and started to look around. He took a tight grip from Jay's both wrists and tightened it more and more until they screamed from pain. He felt something take over in him and their screaming made him slowly loosen his grip and look down at Jay, somehow like in disbelief what had just happened.

"Are you alright mister? I brought you here because I found you from an alley way and I didn't want to leave you there" Jay panted as they tried to brush the pain off. "What's your name?" they hesitatingly continued. He didn't answer. "Well uh.. my name is Jay, nice to meet you" Jay gave a friendly but a little bit scared smile to him. He still stayed dead silent. "Are you not able to talk? I can give you some paper to write, if that's what you prefer" Jay smiled. He nodded and Jay's eyes lit up. The man watched as they went to get some paper and pens.

"You can use these" Jay smiled when they came back and handed an empty notebook and pen to the man and he opened it. "So what's your name?" Jay sat down on the couch and tapped it so he could also sit down with them. "Kirdy" he wrote and looked up at Jay. "Honestly Sleepy would fit you better, because you did sleep for three days" who chuckled. Kirdy seemed to chuckle as well, "That sounds good to me, you can call me Sleepy". "Do you want to do something? Even if you just woke up. Like, y'know, eat or something?" Jay got up, hands crossed on their chest as they still looked at Sleepy. "I'm not really hungry, but doing something would be nice :3" Sleepy wrote down.

A few weeks turned into months and Jay and Sleepy became really good friends even without direct contact through speaking. This started to worry Teal alot, Jay had let a complete stranger live in their house with them. A man who hasn't spoken a single word to them or anyone else and they seem to get closer and closer to Jay every day.

One day Teal came into Jay's house with his spare keys when Jay hadn't noticed. Jay and Sleepy were sitting on the couch. Sleepy was laying on his back, his head almost on Jay's left leg, reading a book. "Oi Jay!" Teal said and this alarmed Sleepy to get up and went full protection mode on Jay. He got up and put his arm around Jay and seemed to be ready to protect them if Teal would attack. "Sleepy, don't worry buddy. He's a friend, he won't hurt me" Jay looked up at Sleepy, who looked down and let them free, then again glaring at Teal. "I didn't come to hurt Jay. I came to visit" Teal said and took off his mask that was covering his face. "Jay, may I talk with him alone for a minute?" Teal sighed and looked at Jay. "I mean, sure. I can go make some food" Jay said and walked into the kitchen. "I know what you're up to. I know you're trying to get closer to Jay so you could kill them when they least expect it" Teal said in a serious tone. Sleepy said nothing, just looked down a little and reached out for his notebook and wrote "I just wanted a friend. After I lost my memory, they were the only people who wanted to take care of me..". Teal grabbed Sleepy's wrist and he pushed Teal on the ground, twisting his arm behind his own back and sat on his back so he couldn't move. The noise of them falling on the floor alarmed Jay and they ran in the living room to see what was going on. "SLEEPY?!" Jay gasped and Sleepy looked up, seemingly scared. He quickly let go of Teal and jumped off from him. Sleepy seemed to be scared and stood back. "Teal, are you alright?" Jay ran to him and helped him up.

Sleepy seemed to pant heavily and he transformed into a cat and ran off from an open window. "SLEEPY!!!" Jay ran to the window. Jay was really worried and ran out after him through the front door. They grabbed their mask that covered their face and ran out. Teal followed behind. "Why did you anger him?!" Jay yelled at Teal. "I'm sorry, I just thought he wanted to hurt you" Teal said worried, seemingly a little hurt.

Sleepy sat on an open field that was a little bit away from Jay's house. He turned himself into a human again and fell on his knees holding his head. Voices filled his head, he wanted to scream but he couldn't, he couldn't make a single noise when he had the mask on. Sleepy tried to rip the mask off but without succeeding, it was too tight.

"You will obey my orders, Kirdy. You are my vessel, but since you won't obey my orders, I will make sure you will be destroyed" a voice said to him and he let go of his mask and placed his hands on the ground as he looked around. A tall man with white hair, cat ears and a white tail stood 15 feet away from him on the field. "I have finally found you, little brother," he said and grinned widely, showing his sharp teeth. Sleepy quickly got up and ran as fast as he could towards the city where he had just run.

"How far has he gone?" Teal sighed as he walked and looked around. "This is all my fault..." Jay stood still behind Teal. "No, sugar, it's not your fault. It's my fault for opening my big mouth" Teal stopped and turned around. "Are you looking for someone?" a voice asked them from behind. Jay and Teal turned around, seeing a tall man stand there. He had a dark purple hoodie that had golden patterns on its sleeves, black hair and glasses. He had a normal mask that covered everything under his nose. "I repeat, are you looking for something?" He said.

"Yes we are.. a close friend of mine.. he ran off and he most likely doesn't know where he's going.." Jay sighed and looked at the ground. "I can track people, I just need to know his full name and what he looks like" he looked down at the small sobbing human in front of him. "Sure, but what's your name??" Jay looked up at him. "You can call me Gamer for now" the man said and brought up his phone. "His name is Kirdy, but I call him Sleepy. I may have a picture of him on my phone-" Jay realised and took their phone from their pocket and showed it to Gamer. "You're in luck, I am actually looking for him currently. I was sent to take him down but I wouldn't give two shits about that, I just want my old friend back" Gamer sighed. "So you're after him?!" Teal gasped. "Not exactly, I'm going to try to find him and keep him away from his older brother, who we call Oscar," Gamer explained and put his phone away. "I can explain everything on the way" he sighed and started to walk the other direction where Teal and Jay were going. They both followed him.

Sleepy tried to look for a hiding place for himself from an alley. He saw Oscar's shadow walk towards the alley and he started to panic.

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