Chapter 1: Here We Go Again

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"Hey, wait! Come back here you crazy flying sword!" Fidget yelled as she flapped her small wings as fast as they could go. After a few more minutes the sword halted in midair, coming to a screeching halt in an all-to familiar forested clearing. In her haste to catch up with the crazy flying weapon, the small orange Nimbat ended up flying right past the sword in her haste to catch up with said blade.

"Ahrah? Why did you stop? Come on, we gotta get a move on!" The small Nimbat tried to pull the sword along with her, but the large blade was a bit too heavy for her small paws.

"Did Dust summon you again? Or is it someone else with the same twin souls?" The Nimbat asked as they approached the familiar glade.

The figure looked like Dust at first, but when they lifted their head from under the Satgat, Fidget saw sky blu eyes instead of the pale blue color that Dust had had.

"Hey, who are you?" The Nimbat was the first to speak upon entering the clearing. "You look kinda familiar... are you by chance related to Dust?" Fidgit's grin eyes sparked with hope for the briefest of moments before they quickly dimmed and she lowered her gaze to the grassy floor.

"Oh, yeah, right. I guess you're not related then." The Nimbat sighed resignedly and shifted her two forepaws together out of an anxious habit of hers she'd developed on her adventure with Dust.

The figure finally looked up and met Fidget's melancholy gaze with her own cautious and confused one. Oh great, fantastic! Is this another person with memory problems too? She sighed in fond exasperation at the irony of it all and turned her attention back on the teal blue fox currently staring up at her.

"It may appear that the souls of Jin and Cassius have been tampered with. If that is the case: Fidget, I need you to keep your guard up. I'm not certain about my assumptions, but... this might be Dust, Jin, or even a whole different person entirely." Ahrah spoke up calmly from somewhere above the Nimbat's head.

"Wha... a talking sword? What are you? A-and how can you talk?" Fidget's heart leeched at those familiar words and she blinked her eyes a few times to clear the wave of nostalgia away from her mind.

"I am the Blade of Ahrah, and you, well... you seam familiar, but you are also different. Do you by any chance remember your name?" The sword asked and Fidget held back a wince upon realizing the meaning behind those very words.

"M-My name is Tempest. And, who is she?" The blue fox asked, blinking curiously and staring over at the small orange Nimbat across from her with a mix of disbelief and genuine curiosity. with a tilt of her head.

"Me? I'm Fidget! Guardian of this sword!" The Nimbat responded almost immediately with a proud gleam in her eyes. "But, to be honest with you... I'm not the best at keeping track of this crazy sword though."

"No offense, but aren't you a bit... well, small? For a guardian, I mean?" She said, smirking a bit at the outraged look that sprouted on the small cat-like creatures face. Woah! Hey relax! I was just kidding!" She geld her hands up in defense with a nervous laugh.

"Hey, I just look after that thing! After two-hundred years, nobody expects a sword to just fly off and start, you know, talking." The Nimbat in question exclaimed, huffing stubbornly and throwing her paws up into the air in frustration.

"So... Fidget, then?" Tempest asked to which Fidget confirmed with a small smile and a brisk nod.

"That's me! And you're Tempest?" Fidgit returned the question back to the female fox, wincing a bit at the memories those words brought back up to the surface.

"It would seam that way, though I can't recall that name." She said softly. Fidget blinked in surprise at that.

But before she could open her mouth to speak up on the matter in question, she was cut off when the blue fox spoke up before she could.

"So... what is this sword?" Fidget really tried hard not to react at that familiar sentence and question that was so casually tossed out into the open. Oh for spirits sake! Why does this have to be so damn painful?

"I am The Blade of Ahrah, and you, Tempest, are my next fated sword-bearer." Upon hearing those words being spoken, the small orange and white Nimbat winced, fir she, herself, also knew, that for as wise as the sword may be, even he is unsure.

"Yes, well that's all great and everything, but I think it's about time I got this sword back to the clan." I say, repeating the same words that I had told Dust when we first met.

"I can't let you just leave with this sword, Fidget. Right now, it's the only thing that knows who I am. I don't even know how I got here..." Tempest says, staring up at me through the Satgat. I just sighed and rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"Hmph! Well, then you leave me no choice. I... I challenge you! The winner gets the sword!" I playfully retorted, snicking quietly under my breath at the shocked look on Tempest's face.

"Well, I-" She trialed off, not know who to respond to my statement.

"Alright, alright! You win! But don't think I'm leaving empty-handed! I'm coming with you!" I say, and I hear Ahrah give what I assumed to be an exasperated sigh.

"But, um... I really do need the sword back when you're done doing... you know, whatever it is you're doing." I continued, tilting my head to the side as I stared at Tempest with a raised eyebrow.

"What exactly AM I doing, Ahrah?" Tempest asked the sword, who gave a soft sigh before answering.

"The answers you seek lie to the east. There is a path through the glade that leads down the mountainside, and from there you will find a village. That is your first step." The sword replied, and Tempest nodded her head in understanding.

"THEN will you give me the sword? I really need to get it back home before anyone notices it's gone!" I spoke after a few moments of awkward silence.

"When I find out just what it is I'm supposed to do with it, it's all yours, Fidget. C'mon, let's go." Tempest says, and I speak up before we get going.

"Wait, hold up a sec. You told us your name, but why did you act like you couldn't recall that name?" I asked in confusion, as the warmblood rolled her eyes.

"Look, Fidget, I said my name was Tempest, but I never said that was my real name, now did I? Tempest is the first name that popped into my head." The Fox Warmblood gave a sigh, and Ahrah spoke up once more.

"So... Tempest is not you're real name? I assume that means that you don't remember you're name. Am I correct?" The sword asked, as Tempest nodded.

"So... now what? Do we do the same thing as last time?" I asked, and Ahrah spoke.

"Not exactly Fidget, first, we must figure out who Tempest is. Someone may have messed with the life-thread, and that... has dangerous consequences." The blade said, and I gave a sad sigh.

"Hay, I know, Ginger might be able to help us. Let's go see her, she might recognize you. Maybe?" I replied eagerly, as we once again headed to Aurora Village.

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