Part 1

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-This starts during the Shibuya arc, in a point where he turns good, and is walking around-

Choso walking around the streets of Shibuya, when all the sudden he hears muffled noises, cautious he tries to follow the source of the noise... leading him to a dark alley with some trash cans and boxes.. where the noises become louder as if someone was breathing heavily.

"Uh.. hello is.. anyone there?"

The noises abruptly stopped.

"Uh, I don't intend on hurting you, please no need to worry."

The shape of a woman slowly emerges from the shadows, she's skinny and awkward so it looks a little uncanny due to the darkness but nothing Choso is ready for just in case, he senses little cursed energy, nothing he can't handle though.

After reluctantly walking forward, Choso can see her now, still she seems nervous, which is pretty understandable.

"What were you doing there?" He says.

"I.. I saw.. people getting flung around in the air like a tornado.." she says as she's clearly scarred by what she saw and trying to hold her composure. Choso is unsure of how to explain this to her without revealing much about curses or what's been going on... And good thing it's Halloween otherwise it would've been a huge pain to explain the clothes away. Best thing is to pretend to be as clueless as her, the goal is to get her out of here anyways.

" I see.. well, I also saw it.. I think it's honestly better if we get out of this place-"

She abruptly interrupts him, "I saw monsters. I saw them. THEY WERE THERE! I'm not insane. I swear.. I saw people turning into monsters... and I saw some other weird ones too that weren't human aswell as some people fighting them..." she says horrified, trying to self soothe holding herself.

"You can see them?! C-curses?!?!"

"That's what they are?.... Curses... honestly whatever the hell they were I don't care I- I just want to go home.." she breaks down crying.

"I'm.. really sorry that is really horrifying.. yes, I think we should get out of here, I can help you. Please come with me."

"Are you with them? Those people with super powers?"

"What do you mean?.. sorcerers?"

"I think so yes..sorcerers.."

Both of them start walking, while she follows him as he directs her and tries to explain what sorcery is and so on since she can see curses, which means she might have potential to become a sorcerer herself, peaking his interest.

"Yes. I am a sorcerer, well, more precisely.. I'm half a curse.. and half human."

She looks directly into his eyes with curiosity and confusion.

"Half human??? Is that..common? I'm so confused, what would that even mean?"

"It's really complicated.. I don't think it's important anyway, what matters most right now is your safety."

"..yeah.. thanks for helping me." She looks down.

"It's no problem."


Heart bled ~ Choso Kamo x Reader FanFicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora