No even Minji slept in that bed.

"I hate you," Nayoung hissed and stormed out of the bathroom. She grabbed her purse, her blazer, and slammed the door as she went out of the apartment.

Hyunjin shrugged and continued rubbing the cream on his face.

He felt like shit. Not because of Nayoung - she wasn't his worry at the least - but because of his other thoughts clawing at his insides.

━━━━ ◦: ✧✲✧ :◦━━━━

Leaning against the black and expensive rented sports car, sunglasses on his face covering his tired eyes, Hyunjin waited in front of the KNPU gates. He ignored the whispers and giggles of the girls glancing at him. Versace was his choice of wear even on a Sunday and even though his purpose for coming at the gates of police university was a casual talk with a friend.

All his yawns were suppressed by caffeine and his eyes were focused in front of him, at the small gate through which students streamed in and out of the university grounds.

Hyunjin finally smiled and leaned away from the car, seeing the person he barely convinced to meet him.

"What do you want?"

Hyunjin chuckled. "Hello to you too, Minnie."

"Don't call me that, Hyunjin," Seungmin frowned, his casual wear - sweatpants and a hoodie with university logo - a contrast to Hyunjin's expensive outfit. Seungmin kept his distance from the taller male.

"Oh, come on, Seungmin... I thought we were buddies," Hyunjin whined, his arms falling to his thighs.

"Far from that. I'll ask again - what do you want?" Seungmin repeated, firmer this time.

Hyunjin stepped closer, pulling his sunglass down his nose for their eyes to meet.

"I need to see Minji. She's not answering my text or calls."

"She blocked you," Seungmin shot back and Hyunjin froze in place.

"What? Why!?"

"Listen..." Seungmin sighed. "Just because my sister is renting her apartment to you in the States doesn't mean we're the best of friends and that I'll do anything you tell me to. Right now, you interrupted our study," Seungmin frowned bigger. "And Minji is pissed the hell off right now. She told me everything."

"Wha... What did she say?"

"As said, I don't have to answer to you, I'll just say that you made a terrible mistake and the chances of making amends are slimmer than your new model girlfriend."

Pieces of the puzzle were coming together.

"First thing first - she's not my girlfriend," Hyunjin raised a finger but Seungmin just stood there, unfazed. "Second, why is she pissed at me when we never agreed not to see other people? What's more, that was the most logical thing in our relationship."

Seungmin sighed. "I don't want to get into the details of your relationship but one thing is for sure," his brows creased. "Freshman year is the hardest and this university is ruthless to those who fail so stay away for Minji, for her sake. She needs to study and pass her exams and she can't do it if you're lingering around like a persistent asthma. Besides, we have a summer session for the whole July so she needs a clear head to pass her driver's test."

Hyunjin now frowned, taking off his glasses completely.

"But what did I do? She went out with that guy!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have invited them to your date. That is, if your intention was to pry on Minji's new relationship and piss her off by bringing that girl with you, then, congratulations, you succeeded."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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