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Ik I made another book but I still wanted to make this one 

If you would've told me 3 months ago 

"You're gonna meet this guy and y'all are going to fall in love. You two are soulmates" I would've laughed in yr fucking face cause I never thought I was lovable. I never would have thought that someone like you would even think of being w me much less staying w me 

I always thought I would be in the same loop of toxic people and depression but then you came along and changed everything for me 

You help me feel like I'm lovable you help me feel like I'm a good person! Hell you've made me into a better person and I feel like everyday you js help me get better 

I know you get better everyday , like fine wine you grow better over time my love 

You make life so much better you know 

Everyday I wake up and I'm js so excited to talk to you n see you , you're the first thought in the morning and before I go to sleep you're the last thing on my mind , I always dream of you sleeping in my arms and everything is just okay for once 

Long distance is so hard.. but we make up for it in daily calls and texts and pictures. I spend more time with you than I do my own friends and family irl . I mean I alr count you as family. K loves you, dad likes you mom don't rlly care but I mean she doesn't not like you lmao and B is js kinda annoyed and E alr knows we're dating (kinda.. he asked if we were and I said "yeah what ab it?" And idk if he believes me or not but ye) >_< I'm sorry that was kinda off topic but still! Yr alr like part of the family , my parents keep asking when I'm going to invite you over lmao 

Ugh I can't wait to have you at my house tbh. Sure it'll be hectic bec of my siblings but we'll make the most of it! We'll cuddle in my bed and I'll make you cookies! OOH or I could go to yr house! Ik I'm alr moving in in a couple of years hehe ugh I'm so excited! I can't wait to sleep w you every night , cuddle you and kiss you all over, wake up to yr beautiful face every morning (n dw imma keep my promise hehe) 

I love you so much it's actually insane. I never thought I was capable of loving this much. I never thought I actually had a soulmate yet here you are. My dream boy <3 my perfect beautiful soulmate I love everything about you! Your hair, yr eyes, yr smile, yr scars, yr body, yr style, yr humor, yr personality, yr kindness js everything 

You make me smile and laugh on my bad days and you're just so amazing I don't know what I did to deserve you but I wouldn't change anything 

Well I'd change the distance obv , And the shit you've went thru 

But maybe everything just happens for a reason , you're my reason <3 you make everything seem worth it . I know that everything that has happened js made us stronger. Despide everything that has happened we're still happy and in love and everyday our relationship just grows stronger , everyday I fall more and more I love with you, everyday I'm still learning new things about you and I love it! I love that our relationship is js so fucking amazing , feels like I js have a crush on you but like IM ACTUALLY WITH YOU ?! Like babe you still got me having butterflies and daydreaming and blushing n giggling kicking my feet like ugh you have no idea what you do to me 

You make me so fucking happy but also really horny but that's not relevant <3 

I just love you so so much , I can't believe it's already been three months . Soon it'll be 6 months.. then a year.. then 3 years n I'm moving in w you. And then we're moving to Germany and getting married and we're gonna have kids 

Time flies fast doesn't it? But I'm glad I get to spend all my time with you , carissima <3 I wouldn't have it any other way 

Happy three months 

I love you with my entire heart mind and soul 

Always and forever and past infinity <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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