
"Aurora? Una grande moka per un Aurora." ("Aurora? A large mocha for an Aurora.") My eyes trail up when my name is mentioned, brining me back to reality. I walk over and the barista hands me my cup of mocha. I mouth a small 'Grazie' (thank you) then begin to walk out.

I plug my AirPods in and find my way to the local park. I find a bench and begin unwrapping my pan au chocolat taking a bite into it. I watch as people pass by, I find enjoyment in seeing people live their lives, it's interesting that each person has a life, one that's really different than mine. I saw a woman with five dogs struggling to keep them from running off, a kid crying because his mum won't buy him an ice cream, a group of pregnant women doing yoga, and a couple interlocking their hands and acting all cozy.

Once I've finished my food and drink, I find the nearest bin and chuck it there. I fix my coat with my hands then make my way to my car.

I've always loved fashion. My mum is the one who inspired me, she worked as a fashion designer and she was the one who got me into it. She convinced me to take a textiles elective in high school and it went off from there. I got a bachelor degree in fashion and started working in many places, each place I work at progressively became a more well known brand. All that got me a job as a designer at Gucci.

So here I am, 24, left London, in Florence Italy, working for Gucci. Where I am one of the few people who personally know Alessandro Michele.

I get into my car, connect my phone and my playlist just continues where I left off. I dig into my bag to find a piece of gum to rid the taste of my breakfast and mocha. I manage to find a mint flavoured one. I reverse out of the parking and start driving to work.

My fingers tap on the steering wheel to the beat of the song playing, occasionally mouthing out the lyrics before interrupting it with a gum bubble. The mint makes my tongue sting, but I don't mind.

Work has been really busy, everyone is stressing over The Met Gala. It's in a few months and the theme is quite an open one, Camp: Notes on Fashion, there is a lot of room for different designs. Alessandro is going to be attending The Met; Co-Charing to be precise, and the poor guy is stressing over having to design his outfit but help design other celebrities who are going too. He decided that he wanted to assign each of his close designer team to help work with the celebrities. That means I'm one of them. I still don't know which celebrity I'm working with, but I find out today.

.  .  .

Alessandro called us to a meeting to discuss which celebrity is going to work with which designer, but before he does he reads a list of the celebrities who will be wearing Gucci at The Met.

"Salma Hayek..." He began.

"Florence Welch..."

"Jared Leto..." I smile when Jared is mentioned, I had a big fat crush on him during my teen years.

"Dakota Johnson..."

"Kiki Layne..."

"And who will also Co-Chair along with me, Harry Styles." He finishes off. I can see all the women in the room and some men smirk at the mention of his name, I can tell all of them want to work wit-

"Aurora you are working with Harry Styles, now he is a good friend of mine and I trust you are going to do well." My train of thought got interrupted when I heard him say this. I'm working with Harry Styles. I'm happy with who I got, especially since he is a Co-Chair. I'm honoured that Alessandro wanted me to work with Harry. However the other women in the room don't seem too fond, some give me side looks or dirty stares, except the one who got Jared Leto, she looks like she is the happiest person ever.

I know who Harry Styles is, I mean during One Direction. But after they got disbanded, my interest in him decreased. I hear things about him from time to time, mostly about his dating life or if he is nominated for an award.

. . .

After Alessandro finished assigning each of us with a celebrity and giving us a file with our celebrities contacts and a little information of what idea they had in mind for the met, I walk to my office and decide to call Harry's manager so that I could plan to meet up with Harry and his manager. That way we can discuss the final design and me and my team could start on his outfit.

I dialled the number that was written in the file which was labeled as Harry's Manager, Jeffrey Azoff. It takes about 5 seconds before he picks up.

"Hello, this is Jeff Azoff, who am I speaking with?" My phone was on speaker so his voices blasted in my ear causing me to flinch. I turn off the speaker mode then clear my throat to start speaking.

"Hi, this is Aurora Hart, I am a designer here at Gucci and I was assigned to take care of Mr Styles' Met look this year. Alessandro may have told you that he would be doing such a thing." I try my best to cover the fact that one of my eardrums nearly exploded and that I hear a really high pitched ringing in one of my ears.

"Oh yes, Mr Michele did mention something about someone taking over being in charge of Harry's Met look" I am relieved that he is aware because I was not ready to try and explain it all. If I did I'm sure he'd think I'm someone trying to murder Harry Styles.

"I called so that we could arrange a meeting so we could go over what design we are going to go for and get it finalised, that way, me and my team can get started with the look" I explain.

"Yes we could do that. Next week Harry and I are free, you can choose the day and time." This is great, I get to choose.

"Before I do may I ask what country you both are in now?"

"We are both in LA at the moment" He answers and I frown. Great now, either me or Harry and his manager have to fly to the other.

"I am in Florence, Italy. Which means one of us has to fly. I think I should because I'm just one person and it would be less of a hassle on your end." I find that this is the best solution

"That's great, now what time and date would you be able to meet?"

"I could fly on Sunday, make it there by Monday." I mentally debate whether I want to meet them on Tuesday or Wednesday. "And I think we should meet on Wednesday." I decide that so I could have a day to relax from travelling and maybe explore LA.

"Alright then, now what time?" He asks. I'm thinking about it being a brunch meeting.

"Let's do 1:30pm, we could discuss everything over brunch." I suggest.

He agrees and wishes me a safe flight. I decide to go over the file and take notes so that I can prepare myself for our meeting. After I've finished, I go through any left over work I have for today and visit my team and inform them about all this. They seem excited which is nice to see, I love my team, they are like family.

I go back to my office and start sketching some ideas based on the file's details, I hum random tunes to some songs while doing so. I want to bring them and suggest them to Harry and his manager. I do more of that and some other designs for fun before I decide to leave.

. . .

I throw my bag on my couch and change into some shorts and an oversized Fleetwood Mac Rumours shirt. I go onto Netflix and find anything to just fill my time. I feel myself doze off so I go to bed.

Realisation hits me. I'm going to be dressing THE Harry Styles for The Met Gala.


hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
I started writing this out of interest and I don't know if I'm going to finish this book or continue writing it.

Just let me know if you want me to continue and if enough people read this than I might be motivated enough to continue with this

Love, Z

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