"No- I agree" she spoke for the first time in the entirety of the meeting, and lowered her hand. "To save lives, yes, always. It's just, my thought was..." her voice trailed off, coming to the realization that all eyes were on her now. Many were friendly, but also many with scrutinization and judgement. "Never mind, Master Yoda"

"Master Ky," Mace encouraged, nodding his head. Yoda also seemed interested.

She shifted in her seat to sit up more. "Well, I suppose I wanted to say that... if Maul and Savage make an appearance, I wish to be sent to encounter them. I've crossed paths with them a handful of times before, and so has-" she paused, looking to Obi-Wan. "-although I am in no way, shape or form volunteering you to accompany me. I am familiar with both of their fighting styles, and in their shortcomings. They're too dangerous for us not to have a plan."

All of the members looked to one another as they quietly deliberated. "With much respect to your suggestion, Master Mundi" she acknowledged. "I agree, we shouldn't send just anyone after them, so send me"

"And me" Obi-Wan joined. She smiled gratefully at her friend.

"All in favor?" Mace asked once more. All hands went up. She glanced around at the members, inhaling contently at the sight. Hands, unanimously agreeing with her. Her ideas, shaping one small part of the system that they all hold dear.


"Did that just... happen?" Dakota sat dumbfounded, facing the maroon horizon of dusk beyond Obi-Wan's window. She nearly missed the steaming cup of tea that he was offering her. Her hands reached up to take the cup carefully. "Is that what it feels like to be important?"

Obi-Wan scoffed at her half-joke, slipping into the chair next to her. They sat in his spacious quarters at the Temple. It was a serene and minimalist space, designed for meditation, reflection, and study. Lacking in personality, however only because he acted as the primary characteristic. "I don't think I actually said a word in a council meeting until week two of being on it. Three days for you, that's a record."

"I guess this means I actually have to follow the councils orders now, hm?"

"Are you bummed about that?"

She smirked, bringing a knee up to her chest as she took a sip of her tea. Obi-Wan set his cup down on the small table between them. "How's your Padawan?"

"Ugh" she groaned with disgust, despising the turn of conversation already. "Next question"

"That bad?"

"He doesn't have the ability to connect with the Force, and he can't use the Force to manipulate entities," she explained. "He can't even lift up a single convor feather. And he's been a youngling for how long now?"

"How old were you when you learned?"

"That was different." she frowned. "I was twelve when my Master brought me in, and I fully developed the ability within the year. And, Caleb? Well, he's just so annoying, and he gets mad at everything." she crossed her arms gruffly. "I get it, okay? I understand his world was ripped apart and forced to be put back together again. But, he's just so snippy, and cold, and mean, and-" it dawned on her in an instant. "holy kriff he's me"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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