Chapter 1 ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و

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A nearly deafening cheering and the clinking of glasses were the last things An Shiraishi heard before stumbling out of One Sheep Bar, nearly tripping on her overly-long shoe laces. 

As An surveyed the rather trashed path she'd have to traverse to reach her dorm, breathing in the smoke-filled air, she realized that she might have messed up. At that moment, as she hobbled -slightly drunk- down an unfamiliar alleyway, stained with remnants of bright graffiti, the bluenette's only wish was that she hadn't accidentally drank a cup of sake. 

"Ugh..." An groaned, planting a hand on a moldy store wall, attempting to regain her bearings. However, it was a little hard when the whole world seemed to be spinning around her. "Damn...I knew I was a lightweight, but this is a whole other thing..." 

Breathe in, breathe out... the singer repeated in her head, softly closing her eyes while shifting her weight to her arm posted on the wall, letting the concrete building support her. After standing in place for a minute, feeling the cold breeze ruffle her dark hair, the girl straightened with a newfound determination.

"Ok!" She huffed, "Time to get back to my dorm!" 

Then, An immediately crashed into a trash can.


10 minutes later, after lots of staggering and an occasional break, An found herself at Scramble Crossing. She stood at the rather clean sidewalk, bright billboards illuminating the way to her college. A sense of relief filled her, finally having found a familiar sight. She was slightly exhausted, but for now, it's a problem for future her to solve. The light on the other side of the crosswalk An faced turned green, signaling it safe to walk. As she took a step, however, a familiar green-haired person jogged by. 

"Oh! Hi Kusanagi! Going for a night run?" An called, partially hoping she wouldn't be ignored. "A-ah! Hello, Shiraishi!" The other greeted, stopping and turning to An while wiping sweat from her forehead. "One of my...friends got caught in some trouble, so I'm going to help her..." She continued while taking deep breaths, sounding slightly sheepish. "I see! In that case, I don't want to hold you up." An replied, a wide grin on her face despite a slight headache appearing. 

Suddenly, Nene's phone buzzed. She looked at it, her face suddenly going pale. "She... A flame-thrower?... I swear to God, Rui and Emu can be so..." She quietly mumbled. Looking up at the slightly confused girl, in an apologetic voice, she said, "I-I'm really sorry, but I have to be on my way now." "Alright! See you later!" As the green-haired singer ran away, she turned to An and said, "Oh yeah! There's a juice stand near the college that I heard was pretty good!" Before the bluenette could reply, she was off. "That was...strange? Maybe it'll help with me being slightly drunk, I guess?" With a shrug, she continued floundering, hoping she'd get to her destination before midnight.


Finally, after twenty or so minutes of An helplessly trying to navigate the oddly crowded roads of  Shibuya,  she found herself in front of her school. True to Nene's word, there was a juice stand a few yards away from the gated entrance of the college. An seriously doubted that was legal, but she was kind of interested. Sure, she's never heard of it or seen this stand before, but it might be worth a try. So, she confidently walked towards the stand, seeing the dilapidated wood barely holding up the weight of a jug full of...fruit punch?

"Hello! Could I please have a cup of that?" The man sitting behind the stand, clearly surprised by someone buying something, replied, "Of course! Here, it's on the house!" A little too enthusiastically. Sadly, the girl didn't notice (or care, for that matter). Instead, she happily grabbed a cup, feeling the cold liquid through the thin paper, saying, "Ah, thanks! Hope you have a good day!" And with that, she was off.

After making her way past the iron gates, walking into the building, and not-so-stealthily-or-quietly climbing up to her dorm, the singer crashed onto her bed, her redhead roommate already fast asleep. An stared at the paper cup in her hands, which had already started becoming a soggy mess, swirling the contents of it. The deep red of it looked almost ominous, but the girl merely shrugged it off. Then, just like she did with the sake thirty minutes ago (to be fair, she thought it was water), she took a big ol' swig of the not suspicious liquid.

An eventually finished the whole cup. It had a bitter taste to it, nothing special at all. That's what she thought, until something seemed to snap. "Dang..." she said, looking at her suddenly swirling hands, a cloying smell filling her nose as a ringing filled her ears.

 A "Well fuck..." and a thump were the last things An Shiraishi heard before (not) gracefully collapsing onto the dark, wooden floor.

A/N: GAHH I'M SO SORRY FOR CONSTANTLY RE-POSTING THIS😭😭😭 Trust, I have better plans for the next chapter!! N'way, thanks for reading!!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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