athlete 2 (requested)

Start from the beginning

"Sorry," you muttered, embarrassed.

You saw his head fall back as he laughed softly. "It's fine, don't worry," he assured.

Light breeze hit your face as you stepped outside from the bus, cooling your heated cheeks. Your bag along with C/n's were the only ones still left unattended on the ground, so you went to pick your up while the boy followed after you, picking his own.

"Ready to go, people?" your coach shouted once he saw everyone had finally gotten off the bus.

A cheer was the answer to the question.

"But remember, you're here to train, not to slack off on the beach," your coach threatened with a finger raised in the air, although he himself was wearing a big smile, excited to be there just as much as the pupils.

Together, you walked the short route to your little beach houses. A smell of sea salt hit your nose the same time as the shore came into view, with waves rolling lazily and crashing against the sand. On the horizon, the blue of the sea was blurred with the blue of the sky, making it impossible to differentiate where the sky was starting and earth ending.

You were separated into boys and girls in the beach houses, you sharing a room with three other girl friends. Since this was the day of your arrival, the coach let you accommodate and have fun at the beach - before beginning the weary training early in the morning the next day.

All four of you quickly put on your swimming attire, running out of the cozy beach house onto the beach, seeing the majority of the tracks team members there as well. The sand felt warm and ticklish under your feet.

C/n's chest was bare and you got a chance to glimpse his muscles as he ran towards you - but your flustered state was quickly replaced by surprise when he picked you up, and annoyance when you realized what he was about to do. His arm muslces flexed as he threw you into the water.

You emerged above the surface laughing, catching a glimpse of smiling C/n looking over at you before someone else pulled his body underwater.

You fooled around like this with everyone until you all shivered from cold, until the setting sun made the water seem fiery and bathed you in hues of gold and pink.

The orange light made C/n's face seem aglow, sharpening his features, the crook of his nose, the curve of his lips. His neck, his collarbones, wide shoulders. His hair was damp and stuck to his forehead messily, but it only made him seem even more attractive.

He caught you looking at him in the water, averting his gaze from the sunset to you. His eyes bore into yours, curious.

He gave you a smile and you could feel your heart beating against your ribcage.

"Y/n," he began. You parted your lips, awaiting the next words. He swam closer.

"I call dibs to shower first!" a yell suddenly interrupted the moment, your head automatically turning around only to see one of your roommates running towards your beach house.

When you turned back, C/n was still looking at you.

"We should go back. Don't wanna catch a cold the first day," he chuckled gently after one more moment of silence, motioning with his head towards the shore.

You swam back and parted, entering your houses simultaneously. When the door closed after you, you breathed out shakily.


"Wake up, wake up!" your coach's voice resonated in the room you slept in as he shouted from outside, clapping his hands loudly. You groaned, wrapped in the soft bedsheets.

"C'mon, everyone! Up, up, up!" he still clapped, knocking loudly on each door.

It only took a few minutes for you to get ready - for everyone, really, as no one wanted to keep hearing the coach shout and yell, knowing very well he won't shut up until he won't see everyone in a line outside on the beach.

"Okay, now warm up and jog to the grocery store! I'm buying you all some light breakfast!"

Everyone cheered, thanking the coach for his gratitude, but he had none of it. He continued shouting and clapping, telling you to stretch more when your muslces were burning, telling you to run faster when your throat was all dry and itchy.

The sand under your feet proved tricky to run through as you logged along the sea, but it was fun. When you finally reached the store - your coach made you run to the farther one, not the nearest - you all plopped your hands on your knees and breathed loudly in relief.

As promised, he bought you all something to eat while you chilled out on the playground near, with the coach explaining your schedule for the week. Special training, relay, strength training, endurance training, you name it.

The weather was already hot when you were jogging back and you decided to take off your t-shirt, running only in your sports bra.

C/n, who was running behind you, tripped.

A/n: feeling compelled to end it here hehe
Thanks for reading and all the votes and comments lovelies! Love reading them all xoxo

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